[교민] 소수민족장관, 유시청신임 한인회장에 축하메세지.

[교민] 소수민족장관, 유시청신임 한인회장에 축하메세지.

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소수민족장관인 Chris Carter가 이번 9대 한인회장에 당선된 유시청신임한인회장에게 축하메세지를 본사에 보내왔다.

그는 축하인사말에서 전 한인회장 박범도씨의 행적에 대한 노고와 위로를 메세지에 담았
으며, 또한 유시청 신임한인회장이 한인회를 잘 이끌어나가길 바라며 소수민족장관으로서 유시청와 점점 커지는한인커뮤니티를 위해 좋은 관계를 맺기를  기대한다고 전했다.

다음은 소수민족장관 Chris Carter가 보내온 메세지 전문이다.

Office of Hon Chris Carter MP
Minister for Ethnic Affairs

Message from the
Minister for Ethnic Affairs


I would like to congratulate Mr Shi Chung Yoo on his appointment as the new President of the Korean Society of New Zealand Inc.  This organisation caters for one of New Zealand's fastest growing, most respected communities.  

As Minister for Ethnic Affairs, I have been able to engage with the Korean community on many levels, attending events such as Korean Day celebrations, music festivals and other community functions. It is always enjoyable to spend time with a community that is unified, energetic and involved in a wide range of interesting activities.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Bum Do Park for the fantastic work he did during his appointment as President. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr Park many times and I know that he did a lot of good work for the Korean community living in New Zealand.

I wish Mr Shi Chung Yoo all the best in his new position, and I look forward to working with him and the wider Korean community in my role as Minister for Ethnic Affairs and MP for Te Atatu.

Hon Chris Carter MP
Minister for Ethnic Affairs