한미 정상회담 결과 언론 발표

한미 정상회담 결과 언론 발표

4 1,828 노영례기자

1. 문재인 대통령과 김정숙 여사는 4월 10일부터 11일까지 워싱턴 디씨를 방문하고, 도널드 트럼프 대통령과 멜라니아 트럼프 여사의 초청과 따뜻한 환대에 사의를 표했습니다.  


2. 문 대통령과 트럼프 대통령은 한반도의 완전한 비핵화 및 항구적 평화 정착이라는 공동의 목표를 달성할 방안에 관하여 의견을 같이했습니다. 


3. 문 대통령은 담대한 비전과 지도력으로 한반도 문제의 최종적이고 평화적인 해결책을 모색하는 트럼프 대통령의 결의를 평가하고, 지지했습니다. 특히, 문 대통령은 김정은 국무위원장과 두 번의 정상회담을 통한 트럼프 대통령의 주도적 관여 노력이 북한의 핵.미사일 시험 유예를 포함하여 지금까지 진전을 이루는 데 핵심적 역할을 해왔다고 강조했습니다. 


4. 트럼프 대통령은 문 대통령이 한반도의 군사적 긴장을 완화하고 남북관계를 개선함으로써 최종적이고, 완전하게 검증된 비핵화를 위한 유리한 환경을 조성하는 데 주도적 역할을 해 온 점을 높이 평가했습니다. 


5. 양 정상은 톱다운 방식이 앞으로도 한반도 평화 프로세스에 필수적이라는 데 대해 인식을 같이했습니다. 이와 관련하여, 트럼프 대통령은 김정은 위원장과의 대화의 문은 항상 열려있다는 것을 강조했습니다. 문 대통령은 조만간 남북 정상회담을 추진할 계획을 설명하고, 차기 북미정상회담이 비핵화 협상 과정에서 또 다른 이정표가 되도록 트럼프 대통령과 긴밀히 협력해나갈 의지를 재확인했습니다. 


6. 양 정상은 대한민국 임시정부 수립 100주년의 역사적 의미를 되새기면서, 한반도와 동북아 평화 및 안보의 핵심축인 동맹 관계를 지속 강화시켜 나가기로 했습니다. 


7. 문 대통령과 트럼프 대통령은 최근 강원도에서 발생한 산불에 대해 언급하였고, 트럼프 대통령은 영웅적인 노력으로 수많은 인명을 구조한 한국의 초기 대응 인원들의 용기를 치하했습니다. 문 대통령은 주한미군이 산불 진화에 기여함으로써 한미 동맹의 유대를 과시한 데 대해 사의를 표했습니다. 


8. 문 대통령은 트럼프 대통령이 가까운 시일 내 방한해 줄 것을 초청하였으며, 트럼프 대통령은 초청에 사의를 표했습니다.


*출처 : 청와대 페이스북 페이지 












대한민국의 대통령 직책이 얼마나 힘드실까 짐작이 갑니다. 열강의 맹수들이 서로 자기들 먹을것만 노리는 틈에서 토끼같이 작고, 그것도 반토막인 나라, 나라안은 기득권층과 서민들이 서로 반목하는 나라, 정치적 이념을 색깔론으로 몰아부치는며, 지역감정이 여전히 남아 있는 나라, 돈만 있으면 불가능이 거의 없는 나라,  인권과 정의가 겨우 살아 있는 나라, 물론 이런 문제는 비단 우리 나라만의 일은 아니지요, 님께 바라는것은 목소리 큰 계층보다는 소외되고 말없이 조용히 사는 계층들이 불행하지 않게 사회제도를 변화시켜 주시고, 추한 부귀영화 보다는 정직한 정의를 높이 평가하는 사회문화를 이끌어 주세요. 큰 성과를 기대하진 않습니다. 아주 조금씩의 발전만이라도. 대한민국 특전사 출신 대통령님 화이팅 !!!
이번 회담에서 (1박3일)
* 트럼프 ... 1. 문재인이 바라는 단계적 비핵화에 대해서... 이미 하노이 회담에서 정은이에게 문서로 요구한 5가지의 전면 승복 없이는 해상봉쇄 그리고 제제를 계속하겠다고하고 ...정은이의 해답을 고대한다고함. ( Big Deal : 비핵화시  북한을 한국과 같이 잘사는 나라로 만들겠다 )  2.  한국의 15조원 무기 구매에 대해서 감사.  3. 문재인의 한국초청은 사의 표명  4. 개성공단이나 금강산은 비핵화 전에는 없다.
* 단독 회담? 2분  * 공동 성명 없이 끝남  *  정은이가 말하는 한반도 비핵화란  북의 비핵화 그리고 미군철수임. ( 우리민족끼리)  *  정은이가 핵의 공갈 없이 남한을 우지 자지 못한다는 것을 안다  *  문재인이는 비핵화의 당사자이지 중재자나 촉진자가 아니다
청와대 페이스북 기사를 그대로 퍼오나요???
좀 웃기네요
(CNN)President Donald Trump will sit down with his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in at the White House on Thursday to discuss how to revive the diplomatic process between the US and North Korea.

However, aides to both leaders have told CNN they are nervous the meeting could do more harm than good due to diverging views on how to bring Pyongyang back to the table.
During his first face-to-face meeting with Trump since February's failed summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Hanoi, Vietnam, Moon will attempt to convince the US President that there are "signs of progress" and that North Korea is willing to return to negotiations, according to two sources familiar with the matter.
The already high-stakes meeting took on added significance after Kim issued a stark warning seemingly aimed at the US, saying North Korea needed to "deal a telling blow to the hostile forces who go with bloodshot eyes miscalculating that sanctions can bring the (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) to its knees," according to North Korean state media reports.
Senators, irritated by evasions, rap Pompeo for 'silence with a dash of obfuscation'
Senators, irritated by evasions, rap Pompeo for 'silence with a dash of obfuscation'
Kim's comments were made to the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the Seventh Central Committee of the Worker's Party in Pyongyang on Wednesday but were reported by North Korea's state news agency (KCNA) on Thursday.
They come on the heels of warnings from Pyongyang that Kim could change course after Trump walked out of the Hanoi negotiations, leaving the North Korean leader and his team bewildered, according to two sources familiar with the matter.
In his role as intermediary, Moon will raise 'specific points' with Trump on Thursday in an attempt to break the stalemate, the sources added, much like he did ahead of the first inter-Korean summit in June of 2018.
"Moon's objective is to reactivate talks," one source said. "The best thing (Moon) will be aiming for is to have the talks resumed and possibly another summit."
While Trump has indicated that he wants a third summit with Kim, both sides have dug in after the Hanoi meeting failed to yield any sort of an agreement. Moon hopes he can encourage Trump to agree to some sort of compromise that might help grease the wheels for further engagement between the US and North Korea but could face a challenge from some within the administration.
Trump betting on Moon but Kim doesn't seem to be listening
After Trump opted to walk away from the table in Hanoi without a deal, his first call was to Moon.
Trump, with an upbeat demeanor, asked Moon to tell Kim that things would move forward and to encourage him to come back to the table, according to multiple sources familiar with the phone call.
Despite Trump's request, Moon has not had a call with Kim, according to a South Korean government adviser. Another senior South Korean government official, who said that there are still lines of communication between the two countries that sometimes go through China or Russia, wouldn't confirm that Moon has gotten hold of the North Korean leader either.
And that is not the only instance in which North Korea has rejected South Korea's recent overtures. Last month, the North Koreans at the inter-Korean liaison office left without warning. And the inter-Korean projects between the two countries, such as remains recovery and freedom of navigation projects, were halted.
"Ever since the second US-DPRK summit in Hanoi the ROK-DPRK military relationship is not as great as we had hoped. And as such the ROK is engaging its own individual efforts in the area, including demining as well as remains recovery, on its own," said a senior South Korean government official.
Moon will push for a 'good enough' deal
On Thursday, Moon is facing perhaps his greatest diplomatic challenge to date: kickstarting denuclearization talks between the US and North Korea amid rising tensions and uncertainty.
Moon Chung-in, a Yonsei University professor and an adviser to Moon, says that South Korea wants to lay down some kind of "time-bound roadmap" with incremental implementation. And, perhaps most importantly, the south is hoping for an "early harvest" or a "good enough deal" -- which are being cast by South Korean officials as what is needed to keep alive the momentum and convince the North Koreans to stay at the table.
"A small deal is not a bad deal," explained a senior South Korean government official. "It depends on how small it is. It is a good deal if it is good enough to help us make an early harvest that allows us to see the nuclear past and present of North Korea."
The official indicated that a small deal could include returning to the idea of dismantling Yongbyon, North Korea's nuclear research facility, or smaller-scale progress like opening a US-NK liaison office or agreeing to a declaration of the end of the Korean war.
It is unlikely, however, that the Trump administration would bite at a suggestion they settle for a smaller, less ambitious agreement with Kim. Trump demonstrated in Hanoi that he wants a big deal that gets to the heart of North Korea's nuclear program and goes beyond the North Koreans dismantling Yongbyon.
Sanctions a key sticking point
Another approach that Moon could take would be to advocate for a lifting of US sanctions on North Korea. That is what Kim aggressively pushed for during the Hanoi summit.
Exactly how Moon plans to approach sanctions relief with Trump remains unclear. But many observers expect he will try to lure Trump in that direction and warn that it could create a quagmire.
Moon is in a tough spot. One source said that he is under pressure from the North Korean side to do more to convince Trump to reach a compromise on partial sanctions relief in return for incremental steps and keeping talks going.
Officials say Kim warned his generals ahead of Trump summit
Officials say Kim warned his generals ahead of Trump summit
But a senior South Korean government official, when asked if Moon will press Trump for sanctions relief, said that he is "not going to do that." The official explained that sanctions need to be looked at closely but lifting them" depends on how aggressively North Korea denuclearizes once an agreement is struck.
There are projects like tourism between the north and the south or reopening the Kaesong Industrial Complex that would require sanctions waivers from the UN.
The Trump administration is unlikely to advocate for those waivers, given that administration officials have said that sanctions can't be lifted until there is complete denuclearization.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told members of Congress Wednesday "we need to continue to keep the pressure on" when it comes to sanctions on North Korea. He promised that "the North Korean economy will shrink this year."
Trump has, however, demonstrated an eagerness to keep the momentum alive with Kim since Hanoi. He even tweeted that new sanctions are not needed after the US Treasury announced new designations on two Chinese entities.
Both countries want another meeting with Kim
Both US and South Korean officials say that their leaders want another summit with Kim.
South Koreans expect that Moon will meet with Kim after meeting with Trump, but it is unclear whether he'll be able to announce anything Kim wants to hear given the potential for clashes on Thursday.
South Koreans are also wary of the impact that national security adviser John Bolton may have if he is heavily involved in the meeting with Moon or in any future US-NK summits, given the adverse impact they believe he had on the summit in Hanoi.
"There is widespread understanding that Mr. John Bolton (must) have played a very, very negative role," Moon Chung-in said of the summit in Hanoi, speaking in his personal capacity to a group of reporters who traveled to Seoul as part of a journalism fellowship program sponsored by the Atlantic Council Foundation and the Korea Foundation.
Kim's next move?
And Kim's next move will of course be crucial. Just hours before Trump and Moon meet in Washington, Kim is scheduled to speak at the Supreme People's Assembly which is the first meeting of North Korea's parliament. And early next week North Korea will celebrate the birthday of Kim's grandfather, Kim Il Sung, the founder of North Korea.
Kim is still weighing options that include taking provocative measures, such as a satellite launch, in an attempt to regain leverage by raising tensions with the US or go the other way: attempt to resume diplomacy while continuing to seek sanctions relief, a source said.
Plans are also in the works for Kim to visit Russian President Vladimir Putin. South Koreans say they are not worried, but that visit could further complicate the diplomacy between the US, North Korea and South Korea.
CNN's Jake Kwon and Larry Register contributed to this report.


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