A more vibrant town centre for Takapuna

A more vibrant town centre for Takapuna

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Panuku Development Auckland is exploring options for improving the Takapuna town centre.


Takapuna is fast becoming one of Auckland’s key metropolitan areas.


Supporting growth and success

Panuku Development Auckland is exploring how to best use two Auckland Council-owned sites that can support growth and contribute to Takapuna’s success.

The Anzac Street car park and the old Gasometer site can play a role in building a more vibrant town centre.

In addition to providing off-street car parking, these sites have potential to provide more homes, shops, offices and open spaces where people can socialise and relax.

Working with the community

Panuku is leading the upgrade of these sites, and is working closely with Devonport-Takapuna Local Board, Auckland Transport, mana whenua and the community.

Panuku is also working with the Takapuna Sunday Market operator to look at options for the future of this much-loved weekend activity.

Find out more

Find out more about the Takapuna redevelopment at Panuku Development Auckland. 


출처 : Auckland Council News

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