Public artworks make a splash at Albany pool

Public artworks make a splash at Albany pool

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Check out Seung Yul Oh's latest creations in Albany.

Korean-New Zealand artist Seung Yul Oh is making a splash at Albany Stadium Pool with the unveiling of his latest works, Upon a Pond and Drop a Loop.

Oh’s large-scale interactive pieces have captured the attention of the international art world, finding their way into some of the top contemporary art fairs, including Art Basel Hong Kong, Art Basel Miami Beach, Frieze (London) and The Armory Show (New York City).


Both Upon a Pond and Drop a Loop merge the fun, water and playfulness of a trip to the pool, with Oh’s trademark humour, bright colours and interaction. Together, they showcase the different states of water that you find in a swimming pool and make art part of an everyday experience.

Upon a Pond quite literally lets off steam! Inspired by blowing bubbles with bendy straws, this large colourful sculpture by Oh, in collaboration with designer John O’Sullivan, brings a sense of wonder and playfulness to the outside of the pool facility.

Eye-catching Drop a Loop is made up of 11 cloud-shaped light boxes at the pool entry. Bursting with colours, their illumination adjusts as natural light levels change.


So make sure you pop along to Albany Stadium Pool to check out the newest creations from a man The Guardian UK dubbed “a rising star on the Asian art market”. 


출처 : Auckland Council News

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