Council discusses Annual Budget

Council discusses Annual Budget

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All you need to know about Annual Budget decisions.

On Thursday 1 June, Auckland Council will make decisions on its Annual Budget 2017/2018, bringing the process which began in November one step closer to completion.

What’s happened so far?

In November 2016, the mayor proposed changes to the 2017/2018 budget, which were effectively changes to our Long-term Plan 2015-2025.

In February and March 2017 we asked Aucklanders what they thought of the proposed changes, and received a record number of submissions.

The consultation included the following items:

  • level of rates increases
  • rating stability
  • paying for tourism promotion
  • paying for housing infrastructure
  • a living wage for council staff.

Following the public consultation, Auckland Council’s Finance and Performance committee have held workshops and discussions with council departments to consider the feedback and work through its implications for the budget.

What’s happening now?

The Finance and Performance committee meets on Thursday 1 June at 9.30am to discuss the Mayoral Proposal, which you can read here. You can also watch the whole meeting online.

Following discussion and debate, the committee will vote on the proposals.

Once that has happened, the meeting will close and the council’s governing body will convene to ratify the decisions made by the Finance and Performance committee.

What happens next?

The council’s finance team will work through the details of the decisions made, adjust the overall budgets and policies, incorporate the local board agreements and prepare the final documents.

The governing body then meets on 29 June to adopt the final Annual Budget 2017/2018. This allows the council to ‘strike’ the rates and move into the new financial year with updated budgets in operation. 

We will keep this page updated as the day progresses. 


출처 : Auckland Council News


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