Do you love food, hate waste? Apply now for a grant

Do you love food, hate waste? Apply now for a grant

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Are you Food Waste Warrior? Have you got a great idea to help reduce or prevent food waste? Applications are now open for Love Food Hate Waste grants.

About 40 per cent of what the average household puts out in their rubbish each week is food waste, which goes to landfill. Kiwis spend an estimated $872 million a year on food that then gets thrown away uneaten.

Funding your great ideas

That’s where Love Food Hate Waste grants come in. If you’ve got an idea that will help reduce how much food gets thrown out, apply now.

Grants of up to $1000 are available for community groups, schools and individuals needing financial support for projects or initiatives.

“We’re pleased to be able to support people in the community who are passionate about making a difference by reducing food waste,” says Parul Sood, General Manager Waste Solutions.

“Initiatives that minimise food waste help us work towards our goal of zero waste by 2040.”  

What sorts of projects could get funded?

No idea is too big or too small. Ideas could include: 

  • community cook-offs that highlight how to produce less waste
  • preserve-making workshops
  • running a Love Food Hate Waste stand at a community event
  • Love Food Hate Waste projects in schools
  • food waste reduction initiatives in businesses.

What this fund doesn’t cover

If you’ve got an idea around managing food waste once it’s disposed of, such as composting or diverting food waste from landfill, you should apply to the Waste Minimisation Innovation Fund instead. The next round of this funding will open in April 2018.

How to apply 

You can apply online until 3 November.

For more information on the application process, email  


출처 : Auckland Council News

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