Storm conditions hit Auckland region

Storm conditions hit Auckland region

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Prepare for storm conditions

With warnings of heavy rain and strong winds across the country, Auckland Council is encouraging Aucklanders to make sure they’re prepared for bad weather.

“It looks like Auckland is going to get a bit of a battering over the next couple of days, so it’s a good idea to take precautions to reduce the chance you’ll be affected by high winds, slips, power outages and flooding,” says John Dragicevich, Director Auckland Emergency Management.

“In the event of an emergency, listen to the radio and follow the instructions of emergency services,” he says.

“If you need to contact the council to report any issues, you can call us on 09 301 0101.”

John’s tips for being prepared:

High winds

  • Secure anything that could cause damage in high winds – tie down trampolines and outdoor furniture. If you can, bring furniture inside.
  • Stay indoors and bring your pets inside too.
  • Close all windows and doors. In the event of high winds, close curtains just in case a window breaks.
  • Be prepared for power outages with torches and spare batteries close to hand. Make sure your mobiles phones are fully charged.


  • Make sure you always drive to the conditions. Never drive through floodwaters or over slips.
  • Avoid areas where flooding has occurred and, if roads are closed, observe these closures at all times.
  • If you find yourself stuck in flooding, get out of your car as quickly as possible and move to higher ground.
  • Take care driving after heavy rainfall and winds, as some roads may be slippery and affected by slips or debris. Drive slowly and carefully.
  • Follow Auckland Transport (Facebook and Twitter) for up to date closure information.


  • If your property or suburb may be affected by slips and power outages, prepare for the possibility that road access may be cut off.
  • Ensure you have a supply of food and provisions in case you find your property isolated.
  • Treat power lines as live at all times.
  • Report flooding and trees down on public land to Auckland Council on 09 301 0101.
  • Debris from the storm can become stuck in drains – if you see this call the council.
  • If your property is damaged, take photographs for your insurer as early as possible

Take steps to avoid flooding

While the council has made sure that stormwater hotspots were cleared before the weather set in, General Manager Healthy Waters Craig Mcilroy is reminding people to make sure their properties are prepared.

“We recommend clearing strip drains and gutters on private property so they’re free of any blockages that may be caused by leaves, litter, sticks and other objects,” Craig says.

“If there’s a cesspit outside your house, this should be checked to make sure it’s clear.

“It’s also a good idea to move any items in flood-prone areas to somewhere they won’t get wet or damaged.

“If you see any blocked or overflowing street drains, you should call Auckland Council,” he says.

Flooding March 2017
Heavy rain can lead to flooding, especially in low-lying areas like this scene from March 2017. Remember, never drive through floodwaters and prepare for heavy rain at home by clearing drains and guttering. 

Temporary alerts on beaches

With heavy rainfall being a common cause of poor water quality at beaches, Safeswim Technical Lead Martin Neale is encouraging Aucklanders to check out before going in the water.

“A number of Auckland beaches have temporary alerts with “high risk” warnings as a result of the bad weather,” Martin says.

“At this stage we expect many of the warnings to be in place for the next 24 to 48 hours.”

Keep up-to-date

For the most recent information, visit the websites of the following organisations, or follow them on social media:

MetService (Facebook / Twitter)

Auckland Transport (Facebook / Twitter)


Auckland Emergency Management (Facebook / Twitter) 


출처 : Auckland Council News

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