More than 190,000 Aucklanders ready to ShakeOut

More than 190,000 Aucklanders ready to ShakeOut

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In excess of 190,000 Aucklanders have signed up to take part in New Zealand ShakeOut, a national earthquake drill at 9.15am on 15 October.

ShakeOut is an international initiative created to help people and organisations be better prepared for major earthquakes by practising ‘Drop, Cover and Hold’, the right action to take during an earthquake.

Every year New Zealand experiences more than 20,000 earthquakes. Most of them are too small or deep in the earth to be noticed, but more than 100 are big enough to be felt. The Canterbury earthquakes of 2010 and 2011 have proven a severe earthquake can occur at any time.

“Auckland lies in one of the lowest earthquake activity regions in New Zealand, but the whole country is prone to earthquakes,” says Councillor Sharon Stewart, Civil Defence and Emergency Management committee chairperson.

“ShakeOut will focus people’s thoughts on being prepared for any emergency, as well as what they need to do in an earthquake. As we know, emergencies don’t stick to a calendar.” 

Auckland Council Civil Defence and Emergency Management Director John Dragicevich is asking schools and businesses throughout Auckland to sign up to participate in ShakeOut 2015.

“The ambitious target this year is to get 1.5 million New Zealanders signed up for ShakeOut and take part in the earthquake drill at 9:15am on 15 October.

“Auckland is our biggest city, so we need Aucklanders to make a good showing and sign up and participate. ShakeOut will help people be better prepared for an earthquake, wherever it occurs,” he says.

Mr Dragicevich says it is a great time for Aucklanders to look at their preparedness in more detail as there is risk from a broad range of natural hazards in Auckland. 

During the next few months Auckland Council Civil Defence and Emergency Management is also asking Aucklanders to provide input into the new emergency plan (Group Plan) for Auckland.  The plan will outline how hazards in Auckland are managed across key groups such as the emergency services and other organisations. To have your say go to by 4pm Friday 16 October 2015.

“ShakeOut and the Group Plan are great opportunities for Aucklanders to assess their preparedness for disasters and put an emergency plan in place if you haven’t already got one. If everyone prepares before an emergency we will be better equipped to cope in the event of any disaster.”

Preparing for and taking part in ShakeOut is a great opportunity to practice emergency plans and make sure emergency supply kits are refreshed. 

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