Kaukapakapa Cemetery temporarily closed

Kaukapakapa Cemetery temporarily closed

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Urgent tree work prompts closure


Kaukapakapa Cemetery, 21 Shanks Road in Kaukapakapa, has been closed temporarily while the council arranges urgent work on a large tree on the site. 

Auckland Cemeteries Manager Catherine Moore says a branch came down at the cemetery this week and contractors are concerned about the stability of the rest of the tree. 

"We've taken a precautionary approach and temporarily closed the cemetery while we arrange an arborist to check the tree and carry out any necessary work.  

"We hope this won't cause too much inconvenience to this small community cemetery but it's really important that the site is made safe for people visiting their loved ones," she says.  

Signs are being put up on the gates and contractors will be on site again on Monday (19 March) to assess and carry out work on the tree.  

"We hope the cemetery will be open again soon," says Ms Moore.  

Phone the council on 09 301 0101 for any further inquiries.  


출처 :Auckland Council News

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