Alert Level 2 information

Alert Level 2 information

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Moving to Alert Level 2

The Government has announced New Zealand will move from Alert Level 3 to Alert Level 2 at 11.59pm on Wednesday 13 May. Until then we are still in Alert Level 3.


Temporary limits on gathering numbers will be in place when we first move to Alert Level 2.


Cabinet will review Alert Level 2 restrictions on Monday 25 May.


Play it safe

You will have more freedom of movement at Alert Level 2, but it’s up to each one of us to keep the rest of New Zealand safe.


These are the most important things that you can do:  

  • COVID-19 is still out there. Play it safe.
  • Keep your distance from other people in public.
  • If you’re sick, stay home. Don’t go to work or school. Don’t socialise.
  • If you have symptoms of cold or flu call your doctor or Healthline and get tested.
  • Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your hands.
  • Sneeze and cough into your elbow, regularly disinfect surfaces.
  • If you have been told to self-isolate you must do so immediately.
  • Keep a track of where you’ve been and who you’ve seen. 

Life at Alert Level 2

Life at Alert Level 2 means we can resume many of our everyday activities — but we have to do so safely. 

  • Most businesses can open if they can do it safely. This will help to get people back to work.
  • We can go in-store at local businesses.
  • Tertiary education facilities, schools and early learning centres will be open.
  • We can travel between regions.
  • Initially gatherings like weddings, funerals, tangihanga, religious ceremonies and social gatherings can have up to 10 people.
  • We can safely connect and socialise with close friends and family, in groups of 10.
  • We can visit local cafes and restaurants bars and pubs to have a meal.
  • We can return to our regular recreation activities, at first keeping to 10 people.


Controls at Alert Level 2

Alert Level 2 is not life as normal, some restrictions and other measures remain in place to reduce the risk of transmission. 


  • We need to maintain physical distancing.
  • We will keep tight controls in place at our borders.
  • Our wide-scale testing will continue.
  • We will find and self-isolate anyone who is unwell and their close contacts.
  • There will be measures in place to allow some safe travel and socialising.
  • Only small, controlled gatherings will be permitted.
  • Early childhood centres, schools and tertiary organisations will see most people returning — with controls in place.
  • Physical distancing, hygiene standards and contact registers will make businesses safe. 


Personal movement

At Alert Level 2, you can leave home to do more things, but you should follow public health measures and consider others around you.


Follow these physical distancing rules: 


  • Keep your distance when out and about (ideally 2 metres).
  • 1 metre from others in most other environments, unless there are mitigating measures. Examples of times where you should keep 1 metre between groups include cafes, church groups, gatherings, restaurants and retail stores.
  • Take extra care if you interact with people you don’t know. These situations include playgrounds, parks, shopping malls or walking along the street.


There will be a few times at Alert Level 2 where it won’t be possible to maintain physical distance, so there will be other measures to manage public health risks. Examples include hairdressing, physiotherapists, home help, and public transport.


Gatherings, events, and public venues

Gathering at your home

You can have friends and family over to your home, but gatherings are limited to up to 10 people, or the people who usually live in your house.


Play it safe — keep surfaces clean, wash your hands, and keep the numbers low so you can practice safe physical distancing.


Gathering outside your home

You can attend gatherings in controlled settings outside of your home. Gatherings include: 


  • weddings
  • funerals and tangihanga
  • family events
  • religious services
  • public meetings.
  • Gatherings must: 


have no more than 10 people 

  • not be longer than 2 hours
  • keep high hygiene standards
  • record attendees to ensure contact tracing can be conducted if necessary.


You can’t participate in any gatherings if you have COVID-19 symptoms or if you need to be in isolation for any reason.


Public venues

Many public venues will be open again at Alert Level 2. This includes: 


  • museums and libraries
  • cinemas
  • markets
  • restaurants, cafes and bars (only for dining at first).


Sport and recreation facilities are covered in the sport recreation section


Venues must: 


  • keep groups of attendees 1 metre apart
  • not have groups larger than 10 people
  • not have more than 100 people in total — this excludes staff.
Hospitality venues can only serve customers if they are there to dine. 


Some venues will stay shut if they can’t open safely.


Exercise, sport and recreation

You can do your usual exercise, sport and recreation activities, provided you can do them safely.


This includes activities that were restricted previously, including: 


  • walking, biking and hunting on public conservation land
  • swimming at a public swimming pool, but there will be restrictions
  • going to the gym, but there will be restrictions
  • boating and motorised watersports
  • hunting during duck shooting season — start date Saturday 23 May.


Government is working with community sports organisations to work through how sport can be restarted safely.


High-level sporting events

NZ Super Rugby and ANZ Premiership Netball professional leagues can go ahead at Alert Level 2 because they take place in controlled workplaces. The details for these events will be developed with Sport New Zealand and WorkSafe. Initially, they will happen without crowds but they can be broadcast.


High Performance Sport New Zealand activities can take place at Alert Level 2 using a controlled workplace approach in consultation with WorkSafe.


Workplaces and businesses

At Alert Level 2 businesses can operate if they’re able to do so safely.


Engaging with customers

At Alert Level 2 businesses can have customers on their premises if they can meet public health requirements. This means businesses should: 


  • have good contact registers, or contact tracing records, in place to record everyone who you interact with on your premises 
  • maintain physical distancing of 1 metre between groups of customers, or 2 metres if not possible to keep contact tracing records
  • not have groups larger than 10 people
  • maintain a 2 hour time limit for customers to be on your premises.


Services can also be provided on customers’ premises, for example, cleaning and home help.


Most businesses can open their premises to the public: 


  • cafes, restaurants, and bars for dining
  • hardware, gardening, and clothing retailers
  • butchers, bakeries, and fishmongers.


Hospitality businesses should keep groups seated, separated, and use a single server if possible. This means each group has one server, though servers can each serve more than one table.


Work involving close personal contact

For some businesses, close personal contact is required to deliver a service. This includes: 


  • hairdressers
  • home help providers.


These businesses can operate if they have public health measures in place like: 


  • robust contact registers in place
  • good hygiene practices
  • minimised contact to the extent possible.


Specific guidance for key sectors is being developed by Government and will be available soon.


Doing business safely

The key public health requirements stay the same at Alert Level 2. Businesses should maintain hygiene measures, including physical distancing, hand washing and regularly cleaning surfaces.


All businesses are encouraged to use alternative ways of working if possible. This means businesses that don’t normally have customers on their premises could continue to have staff work from home.


If workers are sick with symptoms of COVID-19, they should stay home.


Self-isolation advice if you’re unwell


Golden rules for business at Alert Level 2

Do everything you can to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission at work — we all have a part to play in keeping each other safe.  


  1. COVID-19 is still out there. Play it safe.
  2. Most businesses can operate if they can do so safely. Alternative ways of working are still encouraged where possible.
  3. Talk with your workers to identify risks and ways to manage them.
  4. Ask everyone, workers, contractors and customers, with cold or flu-like symptoms to stay away from your premises.
  5. Keep groups of customers at least 1 metre apart.
  6. Keep contact-tracing records of anyone who will have close interaction (workers, contractors or customers).
  7. Reduce the number of shared surfaces, and regularly disinfect them.
  8. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your hands.


Travel and transport

You can travel, but make sure you do it in a safe way.



COVID-19 is a disease you can spread without knowing you have it. You can travel around the country if you follow good personal health measures. You will need to keep records of what travel services you use and keep track of who you have been in contact with. You should keep your distance from groups of people you don’t know. You should minimise the number of places you stop on the way to your destination.


You must not travel to events which do not meet the requirements for gatherings at Alert Level 2.


Tips for minimising risk while travelling: 


  • Try to limit taking public transport, or use at off-peak times.
  • Avoid sitting next to someone you don’t know, or standing.
  • If you’re flying or taking other forms of transport that involve bookings, follow the physical distancing instructions from your transport operators.
  • You must not travel if you are displaying symptoms of COVID-19, awaiting a test, or if you need to self-isolate. 



Early learning services, schools and tertiary education facilities will be open for all students and young people from 18 May.


On the advice of public health officials, any educational facilities connected to a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 must close on an individual or group basis to allow contact tracing, and then potentially for a further 14 days.


Early learning services and schools

All early learning centres and schools will be physically open including years 11 to 13. Distance learning will be available for those unable to attend school, for example where people are self-isolating.


Early learning services and schools are safe environments for children, young people and staff. Additional public health control measures are in place to prevent the spread of disease and to support contact tracing.


Alert Level 2 FAQs for schools and Early Learning Centres(external link)


Tertiary education

Tertiary education facilities are open.


Tertiary education is a safe environment for students and staff to return to at Alert level 2. Tertiary education facilities will implement public health requirements and physical distancing as appropriate for the context, and will work closely to ensure a safe environment where students can continue their learning.  They will need to maintain distance learning capability to help manage within these constraints, and ensure safety of staff and students at risk of COVID-19.


Workplace-based learning will be conducted within the specific rules applicable to the relevant industry.


At-risk people

There is guidance for people at higher risk of COVID-19. It includes advice under the different Alert Levels, who is at higher risk, and how they can protect themselves.


Information for at-risk people


Self-isolation, quarantine and testing


At Alert Level 2, people who are probable or confirmed cases of COVID-19, or who are a close contact of a case, will have to self-isolate for 14 days, or until cleared by a doctor.


People arriving from overseas will continue to be placed in managed-isolation for 14 days, or quarantine if they are showing symptoms.


Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 should get tested — contact your doctor or Healthline.


Detailed table of New Zealand COVID-19 Alert Levels

New Zealand’s 4-level Alert System specifies measures we must take against COVID-19 at each level. Find out what each Alert Level means for you: 



출처 : 



Fifth Monkeypox case

댓글 0 | 조회 806 | 2022.09.03
Manatū Hauora – Ministry of Health and Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand are today reporting a fifth case of Monkeypox in New Zealand.The person, who … 더보기

1,800 community cases; 269 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 690 | 2022.09.02
Today we are reporting 1,800 community cases, 269 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 1,948. Las… 더보기

Auckland pair sentenced for trying to sell cr…

댓글 0 | 조회 917 | 2022.09.01
An Auckland pair caught with 222 crayfish from Māhia that they intended to sell on the black market have been sentenced to five months Community Deten… 더보기

2,066 community cases; 286 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 704 | 2022.09.01
Today we are reporting 2,066 community cases, 286 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 2,023. Las… 더보기

NZ housing downturn deepens – rate of fall co…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,105 | 2022.09.01
New Zealand's housing market downturn has accelerated in the past month with the rate of falls in property values doubling month-on-month in August.Co… 더보기

2,244 community cases; 288 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 769 | 2022.08.31
Today we are reporting 2,244 community cases, 288 current hospitalisations. COVID-19 hospitalisations and ICU occupancy have not been at levels this l… 더보기

2,464 community cases; 314 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 684 | 2022.08.30
Today we are reporting 2,464 community cases, 314 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 2,251 – la… 더보기

Business Credit Demand down 12% during the Ju…

댓글 0 | 조회 706 | 2022.08.29
Equifax NZ Quarterly Business Credit Demand Index: June 2022- Overall business credit enquiries down by -11.9% (vs June 2021 quarter)- Business loan e… 더보기

1,653 community cases; 341 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 668 | 2022.08.29
Today we are reporting 1,653 community cases, 341 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 2,425 – la… 더보기

Hope for housing affordability as property pr…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,080 | 2022.08.27
New Zealand’s housing affordability is slowly showing signs of improvement, on the back of falling house prices and a gradual increase in incomes, acc… 더보기

2,318 community cases; 357 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 741 | 2022.08.26
Today we are reporting 2,318 community cases and 357 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 2,855 –… 더보기

Long COVID to be tracked with help of new cod…

댓글 0 | 조회 824 | 2022.08.26
Clinicians around the country are being given the tools to record people diagnosed with long COVID, which will help provide a clearer picture of the i… 더보기

2,780 community cases; 336 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 643 | 2022.08.25
Today we are reporting 2,780 community cases and 336 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 3,061 –… 더보기

New Zealand rate cuts and house price falls c…

댓글 0 | 조회 989 | 2022.08.25
New Zealand has provided Australia’s property experts with a test case this year, following thecentral bank’s decision to move early with rate rises i… 더보기

3,140 community cases; 373 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 711 | 2022.08.24
Today we are reporting 3,140 community cases and 373 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 3,303 –… 더보기

3,693 community cases; 402 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 705 | 2022.08.23
Today we are reporting 3,693 community cases and 402 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 3,496 –… 더보기

2,706 community cases; 432 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 656 | 2022.08.22
Today we are reporting 2,706 community cases, 432 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 3,655 – la… 더보기

2,100 community cases; 436 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 665 | 2022.08.21
Today we are reporting 2,100 community cases and 436 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 3,733 –… 더보기

3,302 community cases; 467 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 639 | 2022.08.20
Today we are reporting 3,302 community cases, 467 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 3,828 – la… 더보기

3,805 community cases; 466 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 755 | 2022.08.19
Today we are reporting 3,805 community cases, 466 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 3,876 – la… 더보기

4,540 community cases; 473 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 821 | 2022.08.18
Today we are reporting 4,540 community cases and 473 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 3,928– … 더보기

4,489 community cases; 496 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 709 | 2022.08.17
Today we are reporting 4,489 community cases and 496 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 3,975 –… 더보기

7,297 flu vaccines administered in the last w…

댓글 0 | 조회 694 | 2022.08.17
Influenza vaccines administered in New ZealandThe numbers as at 13 August 20227,297 flu vaccines administered across New Zealand in the past week, bri… 더보기

Latest OCR rise may not hit mortgage rates

댓글 0 | 조회 945 | 2022.08.17
As expected the Reserve Bank (RBNZ) delivered another 0.5% increase in the official cash rate (OCR)today, taking it to 3% – the highest level since Se… 더보기

Search and rescue: important upgrades of NZ s…

댓글 0 | 조회 711 | 2022.08.16
Better response for distress beacons in 30m square km of SW PacificImportant upgrades at New Zealand’s search and rescue satellite Earth station begin… 더보기

4,811 community cases; 533 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 673 | 2022.08.16
Today we are reporting 4,811 community cases and 533 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 4,073 –… 더보기

Turning point for profitable resales as gains…

댓글 0 | 조회 696 | 2022.08.16
The resale performance of residential real estate has reached a turning point, CoreLogic NZ’s latest Pain & Gain report shows, with Q2 figures rev… 더보기

Who are the best Broadband, Power and Mobile …

댓글 0 | 조회 718 | 2022.08.16
Recognising excellence, leadership and innovation in the New Zealand utility sectors, the NZ Compare Awards are back for the 6th year and in response … 더보기

Auckland’s local elections candidates confirm…

댓글 0 | 조회 762 | 2022.08.15
462 Aucklanders have successfully lodged their nominations to stand in the local elections. Yes, the race has officially begun as nominations for Auck… 더보기

3,387 community cases; 536 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 658 | 2022.08.15
Today we are reporting 3,387 community cases and 536 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 4,230 –… 더보기

2,618 community cases; 557 hospitalisations, …

댓글 0 | 조회 781 | 2022.08.14
Today we are reporting 2,618 community cases, 557 current hospitalisations and 15 patients in ICU.The seven-day rolling average of community case numb… 더보기

3,650 community cases; 546 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 779 | 2022.08.13
Today we are reporting3,650community cases and546current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is4,418– last … 더보기

Food prices increase 7.4 percent annually

댓글 0 | 조회 750 | 2022.08.12
Food prices were 7.4 percent higher in July 2022 compared with July 2021, Stats NZ said today.In July 2022, the annual increase was due to rises acros… 더보기

4,126 community cases; 549 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 727 | 2022.08.12
Today we are reporting 4,126 community cases and 549 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 4,581. … 더보기

Fourth Monkeypox case

댓글 0 | 조회 816 | 2022.08.12
Manatū Hauora – Ministry of Health and Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand are today reporting a fourth case of Monkeypox in New Zealand.The person, who… 더보기

4,818 community cases; 571 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 740 | 2022.08.11
Today we are reporting 4,818 community cases and 571 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 4,750. … 더보기

5,169 community cases; 599 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 655 | 2022.08.11
Today we are reporting 5,169 community cases and 599 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 4,938. … 더보기

5,939 community cases; 634 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 690 | 2022.08.09
Today we are reporting 5,939 community cases and 634 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 5,120. … 더보기

4,006 community cases; 654 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 701 | 2022.08.08
Today we are reporting 4,006 community cases and 654 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 5,288. … 더보기

3,302 community cases; 606 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 987 | 2022.08.07
Todaywe are reporting 3,302 community cases and606current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 5,441 – la… 더보기

4,790 community cases; 648 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 839 | 2022.08.06
Todaywe are reporting4,790community cases and648current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 5,608 – last… 더보기

5296 community cases; 605 hospitalisations; 1…

댓글 0 | 조회 777 | 2022.08.05
Today we are reporting 5,296 community cases and 605 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 5,812 –… 더보기

6,152 community cases; 663 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 740 | 2022.08.04
Today we are reporting 6,152 community cases and 663 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 6,142 –… 더보기

Consents for homes still high, but down for s…

댓글 0 | 조회 928 | 2022.08.03
In the year ended June 2022, there were 50,736 new homes consented, up 14 percent from the year ended June 2021, Stats NZ said today.“The year ended J… 더보기

Annual wage inflation rises to 3.4 percent

댓글 0 | 조회 903 | 2022.08.03
Wage inflation, measured by the labour cost index (LCI), was 3.4 percent in the year ended June 2022, while average ordinary time hourly earnings rose… 더보기

6440 community cases; 704 hospitalisations; 1…

댓글 0 | 조회 852 | 2022.08.03
Today we are reporting 6,440 community cases and 704 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 6,355 –… 더보기

Property values fall at fastest pace since th…

댓글 0 | 조회 815 | 2022.08.03
CoreLogic's House Price Index (HPI), which is the most robust measure of property value change in the market, shows that the current market downturn b… 더보기

7,113 community cases; 738 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 736 | 2022.08.02
Today we are reporting 7,113 community cases and 738 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 6,683 –… 더보기

5,312 community cases; 759 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 680 | 2022.08.01
Today we are reporting 5,312 community cases, 759 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 6,990.Ther… 더보기

4,238 community cases; 806 hospitalisations; …

댓글 0 | 조회 707 | 2022.07.31
Today we are reporting 4,238 community cases, 806 current hospitalisations.The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 7,183.As a… 더보기