More public transport services for RWC2011

More public transport services for RWC2011

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Trains will run into the early hours all week during Rugby World Cup 2011 so Aucklanders can get involved in the many things happening around the city.

The extra trains, which run until about 2am on Eden Park match days, are part of a range of enhanced public transport services during the Tournament. Ferries and buses will also be providing late night services on match days.

On days when matches aren’t on, including weekdays, the last train services from Britomart will leave at about midnight. On Sundays trains will operate to a Saturday timetable, meaning the last train from Britomart will be 12.08am on the Eastern Line, 12.10am on the Southern Line and 11.50pm on the Western Line, which will have services extended to Waitakere.

On match days train travel is free with a match ticket from three hours before kick off until the end of services. Special event bus services are free from three hours before kick off until an hour after the match, or when crowds are cleared. For the opening ceremony and match free travel begins from 4.30pm.

Auckland Transport and train operator Veolia Transport will be providing an additional 1,400 train services during the Tournament. About 400,000 extra journeys are expected to be made by rail in September and October.

Auckland Transport spokesman Wally Thomas says the extra public transport services give Aucklanders the opportunity to be a part of things happening during RWC 2011, even if they aren’t going to a match.

“Public transport is becoming increasingly popular, particularly for events, so we expect higher use during the Tournament even when matches aren’t on.

“People should be aware that with so much more happening around Auckland it will be busier on the roads and public transport. So the best advice we can give people is to have a plan for getting around and be patient.”

Veolia Transport Auckland Managing Director Graham Sibery says the delivery of 1,400 extra train services is a big undertaking requiring thousands of extra staff hours.

“With the rail network operating at full capacity this is a challenge that we’re excited to tackle,” says Mr Sibery. “It’s also a team effort and we need the assistance of all our customers to make the entire event as successful as possible.

“One thing we ask is for people to travel early to the matches and be in their seats in time for the pre-match entertainment, to make sure they don’t miss kick-off.

“It’s also important to remember that it takes just over an hour to get 15,000-odd people onto trains away from Kingsland after the game and we appreciate everyone’s patience.”

Buses will also operate later during the Tournament. The NiteRider bus operating to Auckland’s suburbs from the central city on Friday and Saturday nights into the early hours will be enhanced. It will also run on Sundays when matches are on.

On match nights 11 high capacity bus routes will have increased frequency from 10.30pm and be extended through until 1.00am. They include the Inner and Outer LINKs, Northern Express and routes to Botany,

Swanson, Henderson, Blockhouse Bay, Lynfield, Waikowhai, Devonport to Takapuna, Beachhaven, Glenfield and Long Bay. On Sundays the Henderson 224, Mt Eden Rd 277 and Waterfront 769 will operate later during the Tournament.

On match days Fullers Ferries will be putting on extra and later sailings to Waiheke Island and Devonport. For example, the final sailing to Waiheke for the semi-finals, bronze final and final will be at 2am. Passengers will need to book for the last sailings.

Other Fullers ferries running later on match days will be Half Moon Bay, Birkenhead/Northcote Point and Bayswater.

Ferries from Pine Harbour/Beachlands (Pine Harbour Ferries) and West Harbour (Belaire Ferries) are also running special late services on match days.

Go to, or for full details on ferry sailings and conditions. Go to for more information on public transport during Rugby World Cup 2011.

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