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An independent survey of over 6,000 New Zealanders conducted by the RV Super Centre (New Zealand’s largest seller of New Zealand manufactured motorhomes), has revealed surprising statistics to Kiwis’ holiday habits including that Aucklanders were the most likely of all New Zealanders to own a motorhome or campervan. Of those who didn’t yet own one, a third of Aucklanders surveyed said they would like to.


“Over the summer holidays, many Aucklanders dream of owning a slice of the paradise they’re visiting as a retreat from the rat race,” says thl’s Grant Brady. “But, the increasing costs and commitment of the holiday home dream are putting people off with Aucklanders now turning towards a campervan or motorhome option.”


The thl survey showed that Aucklanders were more likely to choose a visit to Hawke’s Bay, followed by Southland, as their destinations of choice with their motorhome or campervan. Wellingtonians (57%) were most likely to choose to travel to Auckland.


Perhaps surprisingly, Auckland women were more likely to do the driving on a road trip as compared to their Auckland male companions.


Aucklanders also came out on top in terms of planning their road trips with the majority planning the entire trip before setting off. And if they got lost on the way, one third of Aucklanders surveyed said they wouldn’t stop and ask for directions.


The survey results also showed that for people aged 45+, owning a motorhome was the preferred option above a nice car, a boat or a bach with 54% wanting a campervan or motorhome above these other options. Two thirds of these respondents credited the ability to travel and sightsee whenever they wanted to be the biggest motivator to purchase.


And where would they go if their dream of motorhome ownership came true? The thl survey showed that Kiwi women would choose a beach holiday (57%), while Kiwi men would choose a tramping holiday (55%).


Unsurprisingly, the under 25s preferred adventure holidays with the 25-44 year-olds opting for a camping holiday. A whopping 80% (or more than 3/4) of those aged between 45-65+ would choose a campervan or motorhome holiday above any other type of holiday.


“The baby boomers are certainly taking to the motorhome dream like no other generation,” says Brady. “With families often spread all over the country and less room for extended family to stay, the motorhome provides a flexible, homely and affordable option for these groups of people.”


And it’s not gender-biased, both Kiwi men and women share the dream to own a motorhome or campervan with men (47%) and women (53%) with respondents listing a motorhome/campervan as being the best way to see the country as the most appealing thing about owning one, closely followed by the freedom of being able to travel and sightsee whenever they wanted. Women noted the reduced costs as their primary reason for owning a motorhome (57%).

“Aucklanders lead the way in the idea of owning their own motorhome or campervan as a portable holiday home option,” says Grant Brady from thl, which has popular brands such as Kea, Motek and Maui. “And the best thing is that they don’t have to worry about their holiday home when they’re not there, or keep up maintenance and it can double as a spare room should guests come to stay back at home. It’s a great option for Kiwis in the run up to the summer holidays.”



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댓글 0 | 조회 5,302 | 2015.02.27
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