ARC to release shore skinks on small Gulf islet

ARC to release shore skinks on small Gulf islet

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As part of a drive to restore the Hauraki Gulf islands ecology, the Auckland Regional Council (ARC), Department of Conservation, and Massey University will release 80 shore skinks on Crusoe Island (Papakohatu) – a 0.7ha island situated between Motuihe and Waiheke islands tomorrow (Friday 15 January).

The Hauraki Gulf is one of New Zealand’s most important regions for nature conservation. Its many (some 350) islands large and small, offer an uncommonly high diversity of marine and terrestrial ecosystems and associated species.

While most conservation attention has been given to the larger islands like Little Barrier (Hauturu), Rangitoto and Motutapu islands – small islets also have significant present and potential conservation values.

Like other areas in New Zealand, the biodiversity values of many of these islands have been compromised by habitat alteration, and introduced pests and weeds. Fortunately, recent pest eradication efforts are providing unprecedented opportunities to restore pest-free islands to something close to their former pristine state.

Despite Crusoe Island providing an ideal habitat for shore skink and a number of other reptiles, no lizards are currently present probably due to the previous impacts of mammalian pests – especially rodents. However, the island has now been declared pest free.

This milestone was achieved largely through the personal efforts of ARC chairman Mike Lee who as part of his post-graduate research on small islands and islets in the Inner Hauraki Gulf in 2001 eradicated a large population of mice which had overrun the island – and had probably been in residence for decades.

The ARC’s biosecurity team has removed the invasive Rhamnus alaternus (buckweed) which had plagued the island’s otherwise pristine native forest. The island is now recovering well and provides a potential safe-haven for native reptiles and invertebrates, and eventually petrels.

Shore skinks (Oligosoma Smithii) are small, dark brown lizards that were once abundant in coastal dune land and rocky areas throughout the North Island. However, their numbers are now relatively rare on the mainland and are continuing to decline through the impacts of coastal development and predators such as rodents, cats and stoats.

The transferred skinks were sourced from the Massey University’s captive breeding facility, with a follow up release from Tawaharanui Regional Park planned.

It is expected that the skinks will thrive on Crusoe Island, and pave the way for translocations of other reptiles and invertebrates in the future.

Crusoe Island (Papakohatu) lies 1.2km from rodent free Motuihe Island and 1.4km from Waiheke Island.


[코리아포스트는 올 해부터 뉴질랜드 정부,정당,경찰 등 각 기관에서 보내오는 영문 기사들 중 시간상 올리지 못하고 사장되는 기사들을 원문 자체로 기재하기로 하였습니다.]

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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