Super payments will rise under tax changes

Super payments will rise under tax changes

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New Zealand Superannuation payments will immediately rise in two separate ways if the Government decides to increase GST, Prime Minister John Key says.

The Government is considering across the board tax cuts and changes to property taxation as part of a tax package that might also include a rise in GST from 12.5 percent to 15 percent.

In a speech to North Shore Grey Power today, Mr Key outlined how the changes would increase superannuitants' income.

"Superannuitants would get an income tax cut, which would apply both to Superannuation payments and to any other income they receive; for example from interest, dividends or part time work," says Mr Key.

"Second, and in addition to their tax cut, Superannuation payments would be increased up front, by just over 2 percent, to reflect the general rise in prices.

"The increase in Super payments would be immediate from the day GST went up, without waiting for the usual annual inflation adjustment.

"This double-whammy increase means that under an income tax/GST switch, superannuitants would have their incomes lifted quite significantly, and by an amount that exceeds the increase in prices."

In addition to the two immediate increases, across-the-board tax cuts would lift the after-tax average wage – raising the floor for Superannuation payments, which are linked to the average wage.

"Super payments for a married couple cannot drop below 66 percent of the after-tax average wage, so any tax cut that affects the average wage will also affect this floor for Super.

“So when people talk about GST they should bear in mind these different means of compensation, which together are quite substantial.”

Mr Key also reiterated the Government's commitment to maintaining Super payments linked to 66 per cent of the after-tax average wage from age 65.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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