New Auckland Council rates bill on its way

New Auckland Council rates bill on its way

0 개 1,319 NZ코리아포스트
Auckland Council’s first combined rates notices will be delivered to ratepayers in the former Auckland City Council area from tomorrow (4 August).

The new-look notice combines the former Auckland Regional Council rates and former local council rates into one Auckland Council rates bill. This means ratepayers will now only receive one rates bill.

“The change to a single council also means moving to a single, more efficient way of assessing rates for Auckland, and a more convenient single bill for ratepayers,” says the Mayor.

Auckland Council is required by legislation to establish a Transition Rate for 2011 – 2012, which means all targeted rates and other charges on the former local and regional council rates bills will be merged into one, with the exception of wastewater rates.

The council inherited a rates increase of 9.2 per cent, but has reduced this down to 3.94 per cent by driving $81 million in efficiencies from the council. This 3.94 per cent increase is on the Transition Rate - the uniform rates increase across the region.

“At the same time as keeping the rates increase below the rate of inflation, Auckland Council is rolling out the biggest ever programme of investment in our region and our local communities,” says Mayor Brown.

An overview of Auckland Council rates for the 2011/12 rating year:

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<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Former Auckland City Council ratepayers will continue to pay their rates in four instalments

Direct debit


Ratepayers in the former Auckland City Council can pay by direct debit fortnightly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly or annually


We are now offering a 1.5% discount on rates if they are paid in full by the due date of the first instalment

Water charges

In the past, former Auckland City Council ratepayers paid Metrowater for water and wastewater. These charges are now billed by a separate Auckland Council Controlled Organisation called Watercare.

Other payment methods

Rates can also be paid via internet banking bill payment (please select Auckland Council – Auckland City Rates as the payee), at Auckland Council service centres, at most PostShops, any branch of the BNZ or by mail.


In certain circumstances, ratepayers do not have to pay all or part of their rates. These exceptions apply to specific properties such as sports clubs, heritage and community buildings and covenanted land. They may also apply to Māori Freehold Land.


Low-income earners may be eligible for a rates rebate of up to $580.


In certain circumstances, Auckland Council may postpone the

requirement to pay rates. Ratepayers whose property is used for commercial farming and residential ratepayers with sufficient equity in their property can apply to have their rates postponed.


Rates help us to fund new projects as well as pay for services like local libraries and park maintenance.


Rates provide 53% of the council’s income with the rest coming from grants, subsidies, development and financial contributions, user charges and fees.


Auckland Council is investing in a range of projects that are underway region wide and in the former Rodney District Council area including:


Transforming the Wynyard Quarter and Queens Wharf for all Aucklanders to enjoy

Protecting and enhancing Auckland’s harbours, beaches, islands and coastline

Refurbishing Mt Roskill Community Library and Fickling Convention Centre

Upgrading the Mt. Albert town centre

Providing funding for health services on Great Barrier Island

$200,000 to start work on a new swimming pool in Otahuhu

The new library at Oneroa

Restoring the Judges Bay’s foreshore and all-tide beach area (project due for completion at the end of October 2011)

$250,000 to investigate the Music and Arts (Glen Innes) Centre (MAGIC) proposed by the Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board.


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