9월 28일 토요일, Ethnic Youth Hui 2013이 AUT 시티 캠퍼스(
AUT University, Wellesley Street East, Auckland) Sir Paul Reeves Building
에서 열릴 예정입니다. 15세~24세이면 누구나 참여할 수 있는 이 행사는 오전 9시부터 오후4시까지 진행될 예정입니다.
온라인으로 참가 신청할 때는 www.youthhui.org.nz 사이트의 [I want to go!] 메뉴를 이용하면 됩니다. 이 웹사이트에 소개된 행사에 대한 영문 안내는 아래와같습니다.
The Ethnic Youth Hui 2013 is an initiative piloted by the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Board who understand the importance and the role that the youth play in the community. As the leaders of tomorrow, our voices need to be heard and we need to be consulted about issues that are relevant to us. Hui means consultation and the purpose of this particular Hui is to create conversation about the issues and challenges faced by Ethnic Youth in New Zealand. When we say issues and challenges we aren’t just focusing on the negative experiences but we would love to share and hear about your achievements and successes.
The Ethnic Youth Hui has four main objectives:
· Identify the issues, challenges and successes of ethnic youth in New Zealand
· Address these issues and challenges
· Encourage and empower youth
· Integrate the different ethnicities and communities
As the Youth Hui executive we have a jam-packed day planned for you. This is the first event of its kind and boy do we have a lot of surprises and specials throughout the day. We are aware they have been ethnic focused events for the youth, but never before have all ethnicities come together to celebrate, share and discuss. Through this occasion you will showcase your culture, have a platform to celebrate what makes you unique and a chance to be amongst youth who share experiences similar to yours.
At the end of the day, we want you guys to walk away with: knowledge, friendships and stronger networks