레벨3에 플랫이사 가능한가요?

레벨3에 플랫이사 가능한가요?

3 3,229 희망이96
레벨3에 플랫 이사 가능한가요? 오클랜드에서 오클랜드입니다
혹시 가능하다는 기사가 있나요??
New Zealanders are still expected to stay within their household 'bubbles', but can leave and travel to undertake 'essential personal movement'.

'Essential personal movement' includes:

Accessing local services and businesses
Going to work or school (only for those who have to)
Low-risk recreation in local area
Shared and extended bubble arrangements
Emergencies and giving effect to court orders
Travelling to permitted gatherings
Relocating a home or business
Medical reasons
Those who have an exemption to travel because of compassionate reasons
Foreign nationals leaving New Zealand
New Zealanders resident in the Realm returning home
People arriving in New Zealand from overseas and returning home after 14 days' isolation or quarantine at port of arrival (except air and marine crew)

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