St Heliers Church and Community Centre

St Heliers Church and Community Centre

0 개 2,089 English
1. Coffee with friendship & English
     A time to meet new people make friends, practice English and share journeys.
    Come and enjoy cooking and baking with Kiwis!
     Day: Wednesdays during school term
     Time: 10.00am - 12.00noon
     Start Date: Term3 - 23 July/ Term4 - 15 October
     Cost: Gold coin donation
     Contact: Heekyung 575-6098

2. Learning English
     New country, new language! Come and get to know and understand the Kiwi way
     of speaking in a friendly and informative atmosphere.
     Led by Richard
     Day: Fridays for 8 weeks
     Time: 12.00noon - 2.00pm
     Start Date: Term3 - 25 July/ Term4 - 17 October
     Cost: $20 per session (includes materials)
     Contact: Richard 027-419-3525

3. Outreach Group
     A get together of mothers, babes, and toddlers. A chance to meet other mothers
    and the Minister. Good conversation and morning tea held at the Ministers home.
   Day: Last Friday of the month
   Time: 10.30am - 12.00 noon
   Contact: Lindy Minnaar 585-1615/ Heekyung 575-6098

Also more programmes are at
Thank you!

Total 48,903 Posts, Now 909 Page

1 인기 삼성 서비스 센터
삼성 | 조회 7,135 | 2008.08.17
8 인기 트랜스 미션
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2 인기 여권사진찍는곳?
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인기 free course에 대해..
궁금 | 조회 1,555 | 2008.08.13
2 인기 호주대학문의.
| 조회 1,803 | 2008.08.12
인기 건강식품
kyj | 조회 1,565 | 2008.08.12