비지니스 힘드신분 정부가 2년동안 무이자로 대출해주는 론 (SBCS)

비지니스 힘드신분 정부가 2년동안 무이자로 대출해주는 론 (SBCS)

0 개 4,440 JaneDoh

빚이라 달갑지는 않지만 혹 너무 힘드시면 한번 생각해보시길 권고드립니다.

​2023년 12월 31일까지 신청하실 수 있구요 소상공인, 자영업자 (솔트레이더포함) 신청가능합니다.

2년동안은 갚지 않으셔도 되구요 5년안에 갚으시면 되는데 2년동안내에 갚으면 이자가 없습니다.
2년후에는 3프로대의 이자구요 최대 5년안에 갚으시면 됩니다.
사업장의 규모와 풀타임직원수에 따라다르지만 $100,000 (50명이상 직원) 에서 $10,000 그리고 추가로 $1800
풀타임 직원의 숫자에 따라 가능합니다.
메일 받으셨겠지만 혹시나 그냥 안보고 넘어가신 분들 있으실 것 같습니다.
자세한 사항은 아래를 참조해주세요 

Small Business Cash Flow Loan Scheme (SBCS)

Government will provide loans to small businesses, including sole traders and the self-employed, impacted by COVID-19 to support their cash flow needs.

If you've previously applied for a SBCS and have fully repaid it, you can apply again.

Applications are open until 31 December 2023. You can apply through myIR.

The small business cash flow loan scheme will provide assistance of up to a maximum of $100,000 to businesses employing 50 or fewer full-time employees. This includes sole traders and self-employed businesses.

Details of the loans include:

  • $10,000 to be provided to eligible businesses
  • an additional $1800 per equivalent full-time employee
  • interest free if the loan is paid back within two years
  • an interest rate of 3% for a maximum term of five years
  • repayments not required for the first two years
  • you must show at least a 30% drop in revenue due to Covid-19, measured over a 14-day period in the past six months compared with the same 14-day period a year ago. If your revenue from the same period a year ago was also affected by COVID-19, compare the same 14-day period two years ago.
  • maximum amount you can borrow depends on the number of full-time and part-time employees.

Use the small business cash flow loan scheme eligibility tool and find out how to apply.

COVID-19: Small business cash flow loan scheme eligibility tool

myIR(external link) — Inland Revenue

If your businesses doesn’t have a myIR account, you will need to create one to apply.

Register a myIR account for a business or organisation(external link) — Inland Revenue

Most applicants will receive their loan payment in full from Inland Revenue within five working days. You don’t have to accept the full loan amount you’re offered, and can decide to take a smaller loan.


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