자동차 벌금확인방법좀..

자동차 벌금확인방법좀..

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자동차 벌금 확인방법이 궁금해서 문의드립니다.

예전에 북쪽 모토웨이에서 머프티 경찰에게 잡혔었는데 .

벌금을 어떻게 확인하는지 궁금합니다.

그외에 과속카메라에 찍힌거라던지 주차위반이라던

모든 제 차에 걸린 벌금을 확인하고 싶은데 방법을 모르겠어요 ㅠㅠ
http://www.police.govt.nz/faq/items/30192에 들어가면 다음의 질의응답을 참고할 수 있어요.

Q: Can I get information about my traffic infringement history?
Yes. You can apply in writing to the Police Infringement Bureau using this form [Word-RTF, 306 KB]. A photocopy of your drivers licence (or passport) is needed for identification. The Police Infringement Bureau will send you a copy of your Police Infringement History within 20 working days from the date your completed application and identification is received.

Note: The Police Infringement Bureau holds information relating to Police infringement history only. If a Police infringement fee is not paid, it gets lodged at Court and it becomes a fine. If you want information relating to your record of unpaid infringements (fines), or traffic convictions, you need to refer your query to the Ministry of Justice. Information relating to demerit points, driver licences or vehicle registration should be referred to the New Zealand Transport Agency. You can also get a copy of your criminal record from the Ministry of Justice.

Total 48,889 Posts, Now 621 Page

인기 가구팝니다.
wise | 조회 1,162 | 2013.02.06
인기 다운로드
mjj3son | 조회 1,104 | 2013.02.06
mjj3son | 조회 847 | 2013.02.06
pyong | 조회 961 | 2013.02.05
Alarm Guy! Please contact…
Parks | 조회 817 | 2013.02.05
1 인기 탁구장 문의
tony0128 | 조회 1,193 | 2013.02.03
휴대폰 문자 세팅!
pete | 조회 783 | 2013.02.03
유학준비중 ㅠㅠㅠ
낄끼루 | 조회 986 | 2013.02.01
2 인기 동물병원 진찰비
KJim | 조회 1,833 | 2013.02.01