시드니 1일여행시 호텔과, 방법찾기 도움필요

시드니 1일여행시 호텔과, 방법찾기 도움필요

3 1,848 아리다우니
7월에 한국돌아가는 길에 시드니에 들러서 1박2일 정도 애들과 시티정도를 여행하려고 합니다.
첫번째 시드니 공항에 짐을 24시간 맡길때가 있는지?
두번째 시드니 호텔중 저렴한곳 아주 착한가격은 어디에 있는지?
세번째 공항에서 호텔로 가는 방법과 오페라 하우스를 구경하는 방법, 혹 셔틀버스가 있는지, 아님 한국여행사에게 부탁해야 하는지?
꼭 알려주삼!

There's a new Hostel in Sydney, Rocks - with views to Sydney Harbour & Opera House. This Hostel shares the same block as the most expensive hotel. I forgot the exact name... but you can google search it? To get to it. Catch the train from International Airport Terminal to "Circular Quay". You would have to change train once at Central or Town Hall to Circular Quay. The Rocks area is right in the Sydney Harbour, and it's a Historical area. I do really recommend the Hostel, which is very new with various rooms available - all with ensuite. (Sorry, but somehow my computer isn't typing Korean at the moement). Have an enjoyable and safe trip!!! Hope your experience in NZ was also a good one.
www.hojunara.com으로 들어가셔서 .민박을 찾으세요.대략 strathfield 근처의 민박을

구하시면 전철이 가까이 있어서 얼마든지 오페라하우스 시티에 갈수있읍니다.

자세한 것 아시고 싶으면 seo-ryu@hanmail.net로 연락주세요.
Hi again. If it's only for 1 night, I would advice you not to go to Strathfield. By the time you pay for  the return train ride for all your family + time back and forth into town, you are better off to pay little bit extra (though I strongly recommend you try the backpacker (more like a modern motel)....have lived in Sydney for almost 20yrs and I go back every year...

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