오클랜드 홈쇼

오클랜드 홈쇼

1 2,697 아자 가자


400여 업체의 제품 전시, 새로운 트렌드, 빌딩, 가구, 리노베이션, 아웃도어, 인도어 등

무료 세미나, 아이디어 등 얻을 수 있다.


언제: 2 24, 25 (오전 10시부터 오후 7), 26, 27 (오전 10시부터 오후 9) 28 (오전 10시부터 오후 6)

장소: ASB Showgrounds, 217 Green Lane West Epsom Auckland

입장: 남녀노소

티켓: 조조 $15, 온라인 구입 $18, 입구 판매 $20, 시니어 $16, 18세 이하 무료

코로나 팬데믹으로 홈쇼 연기가 졀정되었습니다.

Event Update

Following the government’s latest announcement on 17 February 2021, we are in the unfortunate and sad situation of having to postpone the 40th Auckland Home Show (that was due to be held 24-28 February) to its traditional September timeframe with the dates being 8 – 12 September 2021.


Due to the recent community cases, we are no longer positive that we can run the Auckland Home Show safely and successfully in February.  Had we been able to move to Level 1 by Sunday, there may be been a chance the show could have proceeded as planned. But due to the large scale and complex logistics involved in producing the Auckland Home Show we’ve had to postpone because of the uncertainty; which comes as a huge blow to us all.


If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that things don’t always go to plan. But we are resilient and currently working behind the scenes to move forward with our new dates.


Ticket holders will be contacted directly from our ticketing partner LUP with options to re-issue for the later September dates this year or request a full refund. This process will begin in the next seven (7) days and we just ask for patience as we work through this process.


We want to thank our event supporters, visitors, exhibitors, sponsors, and organizational teams who’ve been so supportive during this volatile time for all events. We will be back, with what promises to be an absolute cracker of a Home Show!

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