[공연] Mad Hatter's Tea Party

[공연] Mad Hatter's Tea Party

0 개 2,362 AucklandLive
Mad Hatter

Auckland Live presents

Mad Hatter's Tea Party

19 -23 December

Bruce Mason Centre


Join us in a weird and wonderful world filled with all your favourite characters from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland as

they spring off the page and spin, jump and fly onto the stage!


There is a plate-spinning hare, a grinning Cheshire Cat, a rollerblading Queen of Hearts and the craziest hoola-hooping

Mad Hatter you could ever meet.


Direct from sell-out shows across Australia, with an incredible cast of international circus performers who will take you and

your family on a truly tea-riffic madcap adventure.


The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party is the purrrfect end of year treat!


Duration: 55 minutes

Tickets: $19 - $39, plus service fees.​ 


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