Good food, good fun and good company at Coconut Grove

Good food, good fun and good company at Coconut Grove

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As part of the First Thursday event on Karangahape Road (more commonly known as K Rd), the K Rd Overbridge and former Dick Smith building will be transformed into Coconut Grove.


Coconut Grove was a term created back in the 1960s and 70s by the Pasifika community that regularly attended this Thursday night happening. For one night in December, Waiata Artists Trust is bringing K Rd back to its roots.

It will be a big celebration of Pacific culture and people, with food and craft stalls available for people to grab some kai (food) and to start some early Christmas shopping. One of the craft stalls that will be present is Eco Creators. Their products are handmade and are 100% recyclable, so not only do they make the perfect Christmas present, they also are environmentally friendly as well! 




   Pictured above: A sample of one of Eco Creators products available for purchase at Coconut Grove


Live entertainment and performances will also be featured at Coconut Grove, highlighting the culture of the Pacific but also the talent of the performers. A Samoan performance group from the Southern Cross Campus in Mangere will be performing on the night, bringing their Samoan flair to the event.


Want to win some awesome hampers? There will be competitions running on the night – have the family get dressed up in their best outfit for the Best Dressed Family competition, or try your luck at the Best Looking Afro (real or fake!).


On December 1 2016, Coconut Grove will kick off from 6pm along with the other awesome activations from the First Thursday event. Don’t miss out on an amazing night!

Check out Coconut Grove on Facebook at “Coconut Grove at First Thursdays Carnival” and “Coconut Grove KRD”.


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