Happy Cleaning Ltd / 해피클리닝

Happy Cleaning Ltd / 해피클리닝

premiumservice 0 1,532 2020.07.15 19:24
업체 이름
Happy Cleaning Ltd / 해피클리닝

18 Napier Avenue Takapuna
0800 333 080
021 0220 6693m²
021 0220 6693m²

홈클리닝, 이사청소, 입주청소, 사무실청소, 워터 블라스팅, 커머셜 클리닝, 창문 청소, 카펫크리닝, 곰팡이 제거 등 문의 주시면 해결책을 찾아드립니다.

저희 고객들의 리뷰는 trademe 에서 확인하실수 있습니다.

trademe 상단 검색창에 1068727051를 입력하신후 검색하시면 저희에 대한 리뷰글을 보실 수 있습니다.


We always wear disposable sanitary vinyl gloves and use Eco Friendly, certified chemicals only
Especially for the health and hygiene we clean the bathrooms and toilets with disposable hygiene wipes that are disinfected.
The hygiene wipes contain water, glycerine, aloe barbaensis leaf extract, vitamin E, and natural extract etc.

We use a hospital-grade disinfectant called Corona killer MD-125 to prevent viruses in your home and workplace.

We are able to meet your requirements whether you need carpet / home / commercial / office / one off cleaning services.

we understand that your time is precious. Spending time with family, friends or on your own personal pursuits is where you want to invest your time.

Whilst you are away from home, our team make it sparkle, ensuring it is spotless when you return to your haven.

If you'd like your house or office to look fantastic, do not hesitate to give us a text and we will be more than happy to help you and provide reliable and excellent cleaning services.

We will do our best for 100% satisfacti­on of clients.

Extra Cleaning

- Carpet Cleaning
- Blind Cleaning
- Ceiling Cleaning
- Oven Cleaning / Range hood cleaning
- Refrigerator Cleaning
- Water Blasting
- Windows Cleaning
- Removing mould, dirty spots and fly spots

#### Carpet Cleaning ####

Also we offer a professional, thorough Carpet cleaning service for both residential and commercial properties.

Powerful Van mounted Steam carpet cleaning.

Heated water around 210°F and high pressure at 1500 Psi

Some stains may be permanent so I cannot guarantee their removal, but I will certainly do my best to remove them.

Hot water extraction is the method that flushes and removes more dirt and chemical residues than any other method.

We recommend you have your carpets hot water extraction cleaned at least every 12 months

Ideal for pet-owning and humid households


Phone 0800-333-080  
text 021-0220-6693 for free quote 

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2020.09.28 (월) 23:47
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2020.09.29 (화) 09:34
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2020.10.03 (토) 12:45
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2020.10.04 (일) 21:32