

김수원 0 949 2010.08.02 20:54
업체 이름

Level 2, 15 Anzac St. Takapuna, Auckland
09 488 0044
488 0048m²

김수원보험은 뉴질랜드 최고의 한국인 보험 전문설계 회사입니다.

의료 보험 : 순수 보장형<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

평생 생명 보험 : 만기환급형

  가입은 뉴질랜드 치료는 한국에서 가능

l   병원비 1인당 최고 $300,000 까지 보장

l  가입승인후 즉시 보장효력 발생

l  전문의 + 전문검사 비용 보장



l        가입 기간 평생 연장 가능

l        고도 위험 직업군은 가입 불가

l        보장 금액 가입자 결정

l        17세 이상 75세 미만 가입 가능


생명 보험 : 순수 보장형

수입 보장 보험 : 순수 보장형


l        10세 이상 70, 개인.부부 공동가입가능

l        보험료 정액제 선택 가능
(매년 보험료 인상없음)

l        매년 일정한 보험료 납부 가능

l        보험 가액은 가입자 자유 선택



l        16세 이상 70세 미만 가입 가능

l        일주일에 10시간 이상 일을 못하게 될 경우

l        보상 청구시 과거수입 증빙 불필요

l        보상 청구시 과거수입 증빙 필요


저축성 생명 보험 : 만기 환급형

의료 보험 : 실비 보장형


l        11세 이상 75, 개별 가입 가능

l        만기시 납입 보험료 환급

l        저축성 샘명보험 만기 20년

l        중도 해지시 원금 손실



l        GP, 전문의, 전문검사, 병원비보장

l        충치 치료 및 치과 치료 보장

l        시력검사, 안경 및 렌즈 보장



사고 사망 보험 : 순수 보장형

 의료보험: 순수 보장형


l        16세 이상 69, 개별 가입 가능

l        5년간 보험료 정액제 선택 가능

l        사고로 인한 사망시에만 보장

l        생명 보험보다는 보험료 저렴



l        1인당 1년 최고 $250,000 보장

l        가입 승인 후 즉시 보장

l        전문의 진료비, 전문 검사 비용보장

l        병원 수술 및 입원 비용 최고 100%보장

.중대질병보험 : 순수 보장형

손해보험 상품


l        16세 이상 70, 부부 공동가입 가능

l        , 심장.신장.폐질환, 간질환 등

l        주요 질환 진단시 보장

l        보험 개시일 3개월 이후 진단시 보장



l      자동차 보험

l      집보험, 도난보험

l      건물보험, 비지니스 보험 등

여성 특약 보험 : 순수 보장형

유학생 의료 보험


l        16세 이상 70세 여성 가입 가능

l        유방암,자궁암등 부인과질환 진단시 보장

l        골다공증으로 인한 골절장애 발생시 보장

l        임신 합병증 발병시 보장

l        생후 3세 이전 선천성 장애 진단시 보장






l        G.P,약값,전문의,전문검사 비용 보장

l        병원 입원 수술, 치료비 보장

l        응급 치과 치료비 보장

l        안경테, 렌즈 교체 분실 보장

l        본인 소지품 분실, 손실 보장

l        저렴한 보험료 : $300/1(개인)

Since 1993 김수원 보험 Terry Kim Insurances 

Phone: 09 488-0044  Fax: 09 488-0048  <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Mobile: 021 763-887 

Email: terrykiminsurance@hotmail.com

PO Box 331277, Takapuna, Auckland 0740  Office: Level 2, 15 Anzac St, Takapuna Auckland



About this Disclosure Statement
This Disclosure Statement was prepared on 20 June 2011.
It is important that you read this Disclosure Statement
The information provided in this Disclosure Statement is important. It describes the financial
adviser services that Sovereign QFE provides and will help you choose a financial adviser
who best suits your needs.
Sovereign QFE Group
Sovereign QFE
Sovereign House
74 Taharoto Road
Auckland 0622
Freephone: 0800 500 108
Email: enquire@sovereign.co.nz
Who regulates the Sovereign QFE Group?
Sovereign QFE is a Qualifying Financial Entity. This means that Sovereign QFE takes
responsibility for the financial adviser services provided by its QFE advisers.
Because of Sovereign QFE’s status as a Qualifying Financial Entity, Sovereign’s QFE advisers
do not have to be individually registered or authorised in order to provide the financial
adviser services described below.
Sovereign QFE is licensed and regulated by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) for its
financial adviser services.
You can obtain information about financial advisers from the FMA and can report information
about Sovereign QFE or its advisers to the FMA. The FMA’s contact details are as follows:
Financial Markets Authority
PO Box 1179
Wellington 6140
Telephone: 04 472 9830 or Freephone: 0800 434 567
Website: www.fma.govt.nz
You can check the status of the Sovereign QFE and whether other companies are members
of the Sovereign QFE Group on the register at www.fspr.govt.nz

How can we help you?
This Disclosure Statement relates to QFE advisers who are Nominated Representatives of the Sovereign QFE.
Nominated Representatives are not employees of the Sovereign QFE but are appointed by the Sovereign QFE
(either directly or through their own employer) to provide financial services.
Sovereign’s Nominated Representatives can provide financial advice in relation to the following categories of products:
Term life insurance (which includes Life, Total Permanent Disablement, Disability Income Protection,
Living Assurance and Loan Protection insurance)
Compulsory group life insurance
Health insurance
Home loans.
Our Nominated Representatives can sell and provide advice in relation to products provided (i.e. created) by Sovereign
QFE. Where products are provided by the Sovereign QFE, this means that we take responsibility both for the advice and
the products.
Sovereign’s Nominated Representative can also provide advice on and sell third-party products that have either been
approved by Sovereign for this purpose, or are distributed by Sovereign. Our Nominated Representatives are generally
required to ensure that a certain proportion of the products they sell are Sovereign products. However, Sovereign QFE’s
policy is that, irrespective of this target, advisers must still place your interests first.
The specific products within these categories that our Nominated Representatives can advise you on may vary. Your
QFE adviser will notify you of any relevant restrictions.
In certain circumstances (for example, where you have been referred to one of our Nominated Representatives by
another organisation) that Nominated Representative may only be able to sell or advise you in relation to an approved
third-party product if no suitable Sovereign product is available. The Nominated Representative will tell you if such a
restriction applies.
Remuneration and influences
The following is a general description of how our Nominated Representatives are remunerated and the main factors that
may influence the advice they provide to you.
The Sovereign QFE remunerates its Nominated Representatives by way of commission. This commission may be
paid either to the Nominated Representative or shared with another person (such as the Nominated Representative’s
employer or the person who referred you to the Nominated Representative).
Where any commission in relation to a product sold to you by a Nominated Representative is paid to any person
other than the Nominated Representative, they are required to explain this to you and tell you who will receive
the commission.
Where the Nominated Representative is employed by another person or entity, they may receive salary and incentives
from their employer in addition to, or in substitution for, a share of the commission paid by the Sovereign QFE.
This remuneration may be a fixed salary or it may be calculated in relation to performance.
Sovereign’s Nominated Representatives may be eligible to receive various non-monetary gifts and prizes from the
Sovereign QFE, depending on their performance (including production targets where relevant).
From time to time, a Nominated Representative may refer you to another adviser or professional for specialist advice.
In this instance, the Nominated Representative may receive a referral fee from such referral and, if applicable,
will provide you with details as soon as possible.

Sovereign QFE’s remuneration
The Sovereign QFE is remunerated by the premium payments made by clients who purchase Sovereign products or
third-party products distributed by Sovereign. Your QFE adviser will tell you what these payments are for the products
you are considering.
The Sovereign QFE does not receive any remuneration when its QFE advisers sell third-party products that are not
distributed by Sovereign.
Complaints procedure
If you have a concern or complaint in relation to any service we provide, you can choose to initiate our internal
complaints procedure by contacting us by phone, email or post at the address given for the Sovereign QFE
on page 1 of this Disclosure Statement.
Dispute resolution scheme
If we cannot resolve the issue, or if you decide not to use the internal complaints scheme, you can contact the
Insurance & Savings Ombudsman Scheme.
This service will cost you nothing, and helps us resolve any disagreements. You can contact the Insurance & Savings
Ombudsman Scheme at:
Insurance & Savings Ombudsman Scheme
PO Box 10-845
Wellington 6143
New Zealand
Telephone: 04 499 7612 or Freephone: 0800 888 202
Email: info@iombudsman.org.nz

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