350 퀀 스트리트 컨테이너 푸드코너 사업 (리스가능)

350 퀀 스트리트 컨테이너 푸드코너 사업 (리스가능)

0 개 3,175 davidhan


Bring your own Container/Food Truck

350 퀀 스트리트 컨테이너 푸드코너 사업 (리스가능) 


Now available to lease is this unique food and beverage opportunity just off of Queen Street.


Located at a very popular food and beverage spot with Nandos across the road. 


With Aotea Square a popular events and lunch spot within the city draws foot traffic and potential customers to the area. Make the most of the Bustling queen street and the dense catchment it has to offer.


Situate your business here at this vibrant space, call today to further discuss your options. 

권리금없이 사통팔달의 로케이션 퀀스트리트에서 리스료만 내고 음식장사를 할수있는 절호의 챤스

(컨테이너 또는 푸드차량은 임차인준비)


David Han 데이빗  (021-4989-24) 

부동산 경력 20!! 부동산 관련모든 문제들을  최선을 다해서 해결해 드립니다. 

부동산매매  투자관련 모든 무료상담 24시간 환영합니다.

Bayleys Commercial North Shore (Kakao talk: david8255) 

Retail, Commercial, Industrial, Investment and Business sales

D +64 9 489 0976| M +64 21 498 924| F +64 9 489 0990 | www.bayleys.co.nz


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