Liquor Store, North Shore

Liquor Store, North Shore

0 개 1,908 인생짧다

#Tidy and clean Shop, and also have an enough storage


# Safety :

 Safe area of North Shore locations, Has a good neighbor and loyal customer base


# Handling & competition:

 Easy Handling - as a part of a respected nationwide franchise.

                Good buying cost and rebates.

Residential base.-If you are not too sensitive, You can ignore the competition.

Therefore we have a good margin. 

Short opening hours - open 11am and close at 9:30pm on Friday and Saturday.

                 ( 8pm on Mon & Tue, 9pm on Wed & Thur, 7pm on Sun)


# Potential: It started exploding. 27villas were completed and people are moving in.

          300 units are on construction.

          75 villas will be built in next plan.

.          the only way to those is through my shop.


# Weekly Turnover and Asking price

 Weekly Turnover $13,522( Apr 2016 – Mar 2017)

 Asking Price : $200,000 + Stock


#Honest Owner

I never try to put the RRP down to increase the weekly turnover.



Contact Number


021 24 23 252 

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