A plan for all of us

A plan for all of us

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"Five years. 23 independent experts and over 34,000 contributions."  

This week you may have started to see and hear messages like this on posters, radio, bus stops and social media as part of an Auckland Council campaign highlighting the importance of the need for a comprehensive plan for Auckland in the lead-up to council's decisions on the Unitary Plan.

The Independent Hearings Panel will provide its recommendations to the council on any changes it thinks should be made to the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan on 22 July.

Once received the council will make its decisions based on these recommendations to decide the Auckland Unitary Plan by 19 August 2016.

It's a hugely significant milestone for Auckland, it's the largest planning exercise in New Zealand history, and will provide one plan to replace the 13 previous District Plans of the former councils - many which are 10 years out of date. 

We've all heard the facts about Auckland's rapid growth, and how it's affecting traffic congestion, infrastructure and of course, housing. The Unitary Plan is critical to our future success as a city and helping to solve these issues.

Check out our website that details our plans for Auckland.

Also in the NZ Herald

We have also partnered up with NZME to highlight the results of a piece of qualitative research we have done on housing, which you may have seen in today’s Herald.

This research helps us understand why people hold certain views on housing in Auckland, as well as highlighting some of the issues Aucklanders’ face and what they want from a home here.

Today’s story is the first in a series that will examine the research and some of the findings from it.


The cost of the campaign is $372,000 from within our existing budget.

Get ready

So, look out for this campaign as we get ready to finalise the Auckland Unitary Plan.

This campaign will help raise awareness of the necessity to have a well-designed, well-planned city - a city that needs to maintain our heritage as well as look after our environment. In short, all the ingredients needed to help Auckland continue to grow into a world-class city. 


출처 : Auckland Council News

More than 900,000 boosters given to date; 23 …

댓글 0 | 조회 1,035 | 2022.01.21
New Zealand’s vaccine rol… 더보기

More than 12,000 doses administered to 5 to 1…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,018 | 2022.01.20
Today, we are reporting 1… 더보기

More than 13,000 doses administered to 5 to 1…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,311 | 2022.01.19
Yesterday, 13,028 child (… 더보기

More than 14,000 doses administered to 5 to 1…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,080 | 2022.01.18
Yesterday, on the first d… 더보기

Vaccination opens for 5–11 year olds; booster…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,081 | 2022.01.17
Vaccination opens for 5–1… 더보기

Booster rollout accelerated to protect agains…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,023 | 2022.01.17
Everyone aged 18 years an… 더보기

More than 22,000 booster doses given yesterda…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,077 | 2022.01.16
In MIF transmission confi… 더보기

More than 40,000 booster doses given yesterda…

댓글 0 | 조회 960 | 2022.01.16
The vaccine remains New Z… 더보기

More than 41,000 booster doses; 18 community …

댓글 0 | 조회 1,280 | 2022.01.14
Forty five percent of the… 더보기

Online shopping drives increase in business c…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,055 | 2022.01.13
Equifax NZ Quarterly Busi… 더보기

Capital and Coast DHB 90% fully vaccinated fo…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,024 | 2022.01.13
Today Capital and Coast w… 더보기

40% of eligible population have had boosters;…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,433 | 2022.01.12
Forty percent of the elig… 더보기

Needle Exchange Programme refresh

댓글 0 | 조회 887 | 2022.01.12
The Ministry of Health is… 더보기

Nearly 48,000 boosters given yesterday; 14 co…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,132 | 2022.01.11
The low number of cases r… 더보기

More than half a million boosters administere…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,025 | 2022.01.10
Vaccination remains our k… 더보기

Fire season change for mainland Auckland

댓글 0 | 조회 907 | 2022.01.10
Mainland Auckland is now … 더보기

More than 21,000 boosters administered yester…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,053 | 2022.01.09
The vaccine remains our k… 더보기

Wellington cases linked to Tauranga drum and …

댓글 0 | 조회 981 | 2022.01.08
Two new cases of COVID-19… 더보기

More than 43,000 boosters administered yester…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,012 | 2022.01.07
The vaccine remains our k… 더보기

More than 41,000 got boosters yesterday; 38 p…

댓글 0 | 조회 967 | 2022.01.06
We are today reporting 43… 더보기

1.2 million eligible for booster shots from t…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,087 | 2022.01.05
From today, anyone aged 1… 더보기

Increase in booster shots; 31 community cases…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,229 | 2022.01.04
Close to 4,500 booster sh… 더보기

Almost three thousand vaccines administered; …

댓글 0 | 조회 1,059 | 2022.01.03
More than 8,189,000 vacci… 더보기

Nearly 20,000 vaccines administered over two …

댓글 0 | 조회 1,020 | 2022.01.02
Two DHBs are less than 10… 더보기

Boosters key to protecting New Zealanders fro…

댓글 0 | 조회 1,582 | 2022.01.01
New Zealanders are urged … 더보기