Auckland Council's proposed freedom camping bylaw

Auckland Council's proposed freedom camping bylaw

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Public consultation has now closed on Auckland Council’s proposed Freedom Camping in Vehicles Bylaw.

The freedom camping bylaw public deliberations scheduled for Friday 12 April have been postponed. 

It has recently been discovered that there was a coding error in a number of submissions. In order to ensure that the deliberation panel receives full and correct information about the public submissions and the specific sites, it is necessary for the public deliberations to be postponed.

The new dates for public deliberations are Wednesday 29 May and Friday 31 May at the Auckland Town Hall.

A new report will be available on Friday 24 May which will be published on the council website here.

All previous documentation has been removed and will be available from 24 May.

You are welcome to attend to listen to the deliberations, however you cannot give feedback at these meetings.

Draft bylaw

The draft bylaw defines the number of sites across Auckland where freedom camping is allowed. Consultation was open from Monday 3 December to Monday 18 February 2019.

View a map of the proposed freedom camping areas and restrictions.

The draft bylaw has been developed under the Freedom Camping Act 2011, which means that the council can only restrict or prohibit the activity at a site if it has robust evidence to do so.

Staff have carried out assessments of over 1000 council-controlled sites, which has led to the inclusion of 422 sites where freedom camping is proposed to be prohibited or restricted across the region.

Improving consistency

“We want to effectively and proactively manage freedom camping in Auckland. Currently, we only have a few old bylaws from past councils, so this bylaw will provide consistent rules across the region and brings enforcement powers," says Councillor Linda Cooper, who chairs Auckland Council’s Regulatory Committee.

“We need to provide enough places where people can freedom camp to meet demand, so that we have less of the over-crowding and nuisance activity that we’ve previously experienced.

“It’s crucial that we have a balanced bylaw that allows visitors to explore and enjoy our region, but also puts appropriate safeguards and regulations on areas that we need to protect."

What you need to know about the draft bylaw

  • The draft bylaw proposes to prohibit or restrict freedom camping at 422 council managed areas.
  • A bylaw under the Freedom Camping Act will also mean enforcement officers can issue a $200 infringement fine to anyone who breaches a prohibition or restriction.
  • Auckland Council’s Regulatory Compliance unit uses a graduated enforcement approach. This means they will help people to comply with the rules in the first instance by giving information and advice on the regulations.
  • The public consultation period runs from 3 December to 18 February 2019.

Find out more

Find out more about Auckland Council’s proposed Freedom Camping in Vehicles Bylaw.

출처 : Auckland Council News

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