De-sexing your dog is safe and recommended

De-sexing your dog is safe and recommended

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De-sexing your dog is safe and recommended


Auckland Council’s menacing dogs amnesty is well underway, with more than 570 dog owners already registered to take part.

The amnesty, open to owners of unregistered menacing dogs (as defined in the Dog Control Act), offers a year’s free registration, no fines, de-sexing, microchipping and a muzzle for just $25. The amnesty runs until 30 June, after which Council will be actively searching for and seizing unregistered menacing dogs.


Auckland Council is partnering with SPCA Auckland to deliver de-sexing and microchipping services at their Animal Hospital.

But why is de-sexing included in the amnesty and is it safe for your dog?


SPCA veterinarian Rosalind Holland says de-sexing is one of the most important things you can do for your dogs.




“One of the main reasons we de-sex dogs is so that they don’t go out and have unwanted puppies. We have lots of puppies at the SPCA that need homes and we don’t need any more.”


She says de-sexing helps them lead longer, healthier and happier lives.


“Having a male dog de-sexed means that he’s much less likely to get testicular cancer and prostate cancer. It also means he’s much more likely to stay around your home and not wander, so he’s a much better dog to have at home,” she says.

De-sexing is even more important for female dogs.


Female dogs are at risk of getting a nasty disease called pyometra, which means having an infection in the uterus. De-sexing them completely prevents that. It’s also great to get your female dog de-sexed when she’s young. Not only does it stop her having puppies but it means that her risk of getting mammary cancer or breast cancer is much lower.


Dr Holland says the procedure is quite simple.


“It’s just a day surgery. They do have an anaesthetic but it’s generally very safe and most dogs cope extremely well with the procedure. They’re usually a little bit sleepy the next day but they recover and are back to their usual self in a couple of days.”


Dr Holland says de-sexing is a slightly bigger operation for a female dog, but usually she’s just a bit sleepy the following day and normally back to being quite bright and active a few days later.


“For a male or a female, they will have some stitches usually just in their belly. Normally the vet will see the dogs in a couple of weeks’ time to remove them.”


“Most dogs recover really well from the procedure, and go on to live much happier, healthier lives for having it done.”


출처 : Auckland Council News 

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