New Zealand education system receives international praise

New Zealand education system receives international praise

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Education Minister, Hekia Parata, has welcomed an OECD report which says the way New Zealand assesses student achievement is world leading.
"The report commends the professionalism of our teachers, the robustness and credibility of NCEA, and the ERO model for its approach to school evaluation,’’ says Ms Parata.
"It also praises our focus on improving  teaching and learning.''
New Zealand was one of 24 countries that participated in the OECD Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes.
The OECD team visited a range of schools in New Zealand and met with various agencies, academics, researchers, stakeholder groups and Māori and Pasifika representatives. They examined student assessment, teacher appraisal, school evaluation, and the overall system.
"The report endorses our evaluation and assessment practices as being high quality and transparent,” says Ms Parata.
"Reporting against national standards will enhance this transparency."
The report shows that on average New Zealand students achieve very well by international standards.
"However our education system is still leaving too many learners behind, including far too many Māori and Pasifika learners, and this is what needs to change,'' says Ms Parata.
"The OECD report says National Standards will improve information about student achievement and progress, and identify the students who need more support.
"It recommends more work is done to implement the Standards, which is exactly what we are focusing on now – ensuring the Standards are further developed and embedded within our schools.”
Ms Parata says the findings of the report will be useful in refining our evaluation and assessment policies, to focus on improving learner outcomes.
For a copy of the report see:   

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