2010년 예산 - $93 million more for disability support services

2010년 예산 - $93 million more for disability support services

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Budget 2010 delivers an extra $93 million for disability support services over the next four years, Health Minister Tony Ryall and Disabilities Issues Minister Tariana Turia say.

“The $93 million extra means this Government is spending more than has ever been spent on disability support services,” Mr Ryall says.

Of this amount, $72 million over the next four years will improve access to disability support services and includes:
•$25.5 million for home and community support services.
•$3.4 million for other disability support services.
•$21 million for residential services for people with intellectual disabilities.
•$7.9 million for supported independent living.
•$2.7 million for respite care.

Mrs Turia says this is welcome news for the people living with disabilities.

“I am delighted Budget 2010 has delivered on many of the commitments disabled people and their families have been seeking for some time.”

Up to $1.6 million over four years will be spent on reducing waiting times for adults getting cochlear implants. Another $20 million, which has been announced previously, will provide more home modifications and equipment for disabled people.

“This extra funding means people will be able to access equipment and modifications sooner than they can currently, which will allow them to lead more independent lives,” Mr Ryall says.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(http://www.koreapost.co.nz), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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