Will you take up the challenge to transform and operate the restaurant at one of Auckland’s most pop

Will you take up the challenge to transform and operate the restaurant…

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Will you take up the challenge to transform and operate the restaurant at one of Auckland’s most popular beaches?

The ARC is offering an exciting commercial opportunity to revamp the existing restaurant and kiosk at Long Bay, right on the waters edge.

The council intends to grant a licence to build/renovate, maintain and operate the Long Bay Restaurant and kiosk following a Request for Proposal (RFP) process.

ARC General Manager of Parks, Mace Ward says the council is ideally looking for an innovative proposal which includes a re-vitalised look and feel for the restaurant to reflect the casual style of the park’s audience.

“The restaurant is over 30 years old now and is overdue for a makeover. There is real potential to create a fresh new vision and, in doing so, create a real point of difference for the park.”

This RFP also offers the successful applicant the opportunity to put their sustainable vision into practice by using green building techniques during renovation and committing to recycling and waste minimisation initiatives during day-to-day operations.

With over one million visitors a year, Long Bay is one of the most popular regional parks in Auckland. The restaurant and kiosk occupy prime positions in the park.

The ARC is looking for a long term partner and is willing to consider a licence of up to 20 years.
The closing date for proposals is 4pm on Friday 21 May 2010. Copies of the RFP documents can be viewed online at

www.arc.govt.nz/longbayrestaurant or visit the Auckland Regional Council office, 21 Pitt Street, Newton (8.30am to 5pm weekdays)

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(http://www.koreapost.co.nz), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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