한국전 양국간 우정 증진시킨 권주은양의 낭독문 많은 박수 받아.

한국전 양국간 우정 증진시킨 권주은양의 낭독문 많은 박수 받아.

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대한민국 국가보훈처와 뉴질랜드 보훈처(Veterans' Affairs New Zealand)가 한국전에서 다져진 양국간 우정을 증진시키기 위해 양국 대학생 20명을 선발해 지원하는 프로그램인 "코리아비전캠프 2020"이  2월 7일(금) 웰링톤에서 개최되었다.


이날 참전용사 위로연에서 한국과 뉴질랜드 대학생 각 1인이 뉴질랜드 참전용사에게 편지를 낭독했는데, 한국 측에서는 한국 전쟁 참전 용사 권 치금의 손녀 권주은양이 낭독을 하여 참석자들로 부터 많은 박수를 받았다.


그녀는 한국전쟁에 참여한 할아버지를 자랑스럽게 생각하며, 한국전에 참전한 뉴질랜드 참전용사의 고귀한 희생에 감사 드리며  참전용사의 희생은 우리를 구하고 대한민국을 구했으며, 이 이야기는 미래 세대에게 전해질 것이며, 미래 세대가 우리처럼 당신을 기억하도록 돕기 위해 최선을 다할 것아라고 낭독문을 통해 말했다.


다음은 권주은양이 낭독한 낭독문 전문이다.

Dear Veterans,


My name is Jueun Kwon, granddaughter of Kwon Chi-kyum, a Korean war veteran. First of all, it is my great honor to have the opportunity to express our appreciation to you. I’d like to introduce my proud grandfather. 


My grandfather, born in Wagwan-eup, Chilgok-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, was the first born of six sons and one daughter. I am proud of my grandfather, a veteran of the Korean War who shines on my country. My grandfather seemed blunt and resistant, but more responsible than anyone else, who always looked after his younger brothers and sister with affection. 


When the Korean war broke out after he was discharged from the army, he volunteered to protect his family and protect the country. At that time, bamboo was placed in front of the house, when one of the family members went to fight in the Korean War. Bamboo trees that represented families and neighbors’ wishes, for safe return from the war, were also standing in front of my grandfather’s house.


It is said that young people in the province who were 20 years old, including my grandfather, gathered at Sunsim High School and received all kinds of equipment for the war. The only dinner offered to the young men at the time was rice balls with a little bit of salt on them. Even my grandfather gave his portion to his little brother who came to see him. My grandfather’s younger brother, who was telling me this story, was in tears. He went to the Jeju Training Center, which was the hardest training center. He was assigned the training number, 9442940, and trained for six months there. After that, he was sent to Yeongcheon, Gangwon-do, and went up near the Amnok River to fight a fierce battle. 


That’s all I’ve ever heard about my grandfather’s Korean war story. He passed away early, and all I can remember about him is just what I see in pictures. Because of his resistance to talk about the war, he didn’t even discuss his experience with his brothers. I don’t know what kind of operation he carried out, but I can assure you, he was a warm man who loved his family and Korea. If he were alive, he’d be proud of me standing here, more than anyone else would be. He would also want to express appreciation to you. 


If I had the chance to talk to him again, I would tell him: “Thank you, for dedicating your youth to this country. I miss you so much”. Now I’d like to convey this thanks to you, the veterans here before me.


I can’t imagine how much courage it would have taken to come to Korea, far away from New Zealand. Thank you for your noble sacrifices, so we can dream of a better world on this land. Your sacrifice saved us and saved the Republic of Korea. 


This story will be passed down to future generations, and I will do my best to help future generations remember you, like we have. I will keep in mind the Korean war veterans’ sacrifice for the rest of my life, so that your youth never be in vain 


Thank you, my heroes. 




Jueun Kwon


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