0 개 1,681 NZ코리아포스트
Officers of an Auckland Motorway Patrol Unit were left speechless early this morning when a BMW car passed by their stationary position on the Northern Motorway at a speed of 200 kilometres per hour.

Police say that at 12.40am this morning Friday 6 August 2010, the patrol unit was monitoring traffic speeds near Tristram Avenue when the city bound BMW 850 IA suddenly went past.

The vehicle has a V12 engine with a speedo reading of 300 kmph.

The 19 year old male Auckland driver who is on a restricted licence was totally oblivious to the presence of police until he was stopped by the Motorway Patrol Unit at Fanshawe Street, on the city side of the Harbour Bridge.

When questioned about the speed at which he was travelling the male driver acknowledged his actions were “just stupid.”

The young man who has been charged with Driving at a Dangerous Speed faces a maximum penalty of three months imprisonment, a mandatory six months disqualification of his drivers licence, and a fine up to a maximum of $4,500.00.

Waitematä Road Policing Manager Superintendent John Kelly says this incident is a clear example where “if you speed you will be caught.”

“Driving at such speed is blatantly irresponsible. It puts the lives of others in danger. Just because you can’t see a police officer, it doesn’t mean you can get away with flouting the speed limit.”

“Let this incident be a warning to all speeding, and reckless drivers,” he said.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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