Update on Hepatitis A cluster

Update on Hepatitis A cluster

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Auckland Regional Public Health Service can confirm as of 09.00am this morning there are 31 cases of Hepatitis A within the Auckland region.  This increase was anticipated based on our initial investigations.
As these cases are affecting school age children, we have been working closely with the staff and parents at the associated schools to assess risk and provide advice.  Currently there are nine schools in the Auckland Region with whom we have been in contact.
Dr Shanika Perera, Medical Officer of Health said “This is an evolving situation and an increase in cases was expected following the assessment of close contacts.  We are continuing to work with the all cases to contain this outbreak.”
Pubic Health officials continue their attempts to ascertain the source of the outbreak and at this stage consider the most likely source is one or more importations of infection due to people travelling overseas. 
Hepatitis A is a mild illness, particularly in children.  Symptoms in children usually include fever, an upset stomach, and feeling tired and generally unwell. Many children do not show any signs that they have been infected. Very occasionally children develop jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes.
Hepatitis A is excreted from the body through faeces, it can be spread from person-to-person or by swallowing food or water that has been contaminated. The best way to prevent the spread of the infection is careful hand washing with soap and proper drying, especially after using the toilet and before eating.
“The most important way to prevent spread of this disease is to wash your hands regularly with soap and warm water, particularly after going to the toilet and before eating.” said Dr Perera.

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