Science meeting highlights strong ties with US

Science meeting highlights strong ties with US

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More than 30 leading American scientists are on their way to New Zealand for a top-level meeting with their New Zealand counterparts next week.

They will attend the New Zealand-US Joint Commission Meeting (JCM) for Science and Technology Co-operation on 25-26 January in Wellington, Rotorua and Hamilton.

Minister of Research, Science and Technology Wayne Mapp says the meeting reflects the strong science ties between the two countries.

“This is a unique opportunity. It will give us the platform to take those ties to the next level. The US is already New Zealand’s largest scientific partner. Nearly half our researchers have active links with their US colleagues.

“The US economy is founded on research and the application of technology. The majority of the world’s leading scientific institutions and the most research-intensive companies are based in the US. Expanding the two countries' links is vital to New Zealand’s growth.

“Scientific co-operation is also playing an increasingly important role in international relationships. Science is a cornerstone in tackling many global issues, including climate change and biosecurity.
“The science partnership is hugely valuable to both of us.

“This meeting will establish which scientific areas the two nations will be focusing on in the next few years,” he said.

The US delegation will be led by Dr Arden Bement, Director of the National Science Foundation. Dr Nina Fedoroff, Science and Technology Adviser to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Dr Steven Koonin, Undersecretary for Science at the Department of Energy are also attending.

Key New Zealand participants include Dr Ian Ferguson, the Chief Scientist at Plant & Food Research, Professor Tim Naish, the Principal Scientist at GNS Science, and NIWA Principal Scientist Dr Malcolm Clark.

The JCM will feature six workshops covering bioenergy, electrical grids, Antarctic science, agriculture and food Innovation, ocean and marine sciences, and climate and the Pacific. Dr Mapp will address a formal meeting of all participants at Te Papa in Wellington on Tuesday 26 January.

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