New dedicated elective theatres for Auckland confirmed

New dedicated elective theatres for Auckland confirmed

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Four new operating theatres dedicated to elective operations in Auckland, have been given the go-ahead by the Government.

Health Minister Tony Ryall has confirmed the plans for the Auckland DHB's Greenlane campus.

"These are the first new theatres this Government promised as part of our commitment to increase the number of New Zealanders getting elective surgery."

"Separating planned surgery from emergency surgery will give greater certainty that people waiting for operations won't get bumped."

The new Government aimed to treble the increases in elective surgery to an average increase of 4,000 elective operations per year, and exceeded that during the first year in office with a record increase of around 12,000 extra operations.

"But Auckland has been lagging behind the national average for elective surgery, and this government is committed to seeing a similar level of service as other parts of the country."

"We are determined that more New Zealanders will get elective surgery."

The estimated cost of the Greenlane development is $24 million.

Work on the site is underway, and the theatres are expected to be opened in mid 2011.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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