Huge support for National Standards

Huge support for National Standards

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Education Minister Anne Tolley says today’s Nielsen survey results in the New Zealand Herald confirm the overwhelming support parents have for National Standards.

73 per cent of parents said they are in favour of the National Standards in reading, writing and maths which were introduced last week in primary and intermediate schools. 13 per cent have yet to make up their minds.

“We know that parents want the plain language reporting on their child’s progress that National Standards will deliver at least twice a year,” says Mrs Tolley.

“They also want us to identify the one in five children who are currently being failed by the system, so we can target resources at those schools that need extra support.

“I know that the vast majority of schools are calmly and professionally getting on with the task of implementing the Standards, and the survey results show that those opposed to the Standards are hopelessly out of touch with public opinion.

“What we need to do now is make sure we get information to parents on the finer details of the Standards, which is why the brochure delivered to households this week is so important.

“I’m convinced more and more parents will be supportive once they have all the facts.”

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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