0 개 1,836 NZ코리아포스트
Organisers of the Miss Universe New Zealand Beauty Pageant have confirmed the 2009 Pageant will be held in Horowhenua , home of the reigning Miss Universe New Zealand Samantha Powell.

Val Lott, National Director of Miss Universe New Zealand, informed the Mayor of Horowhenua that up to fourteen contestants from around the country will contest the Beauty Pageant on Saturday, 25 April 2009.

Val Lott has invited the Abba Touring road show to be apart of the Miss Universe N.Z.’s show. This doubles the highlight of having such a prestigious event in the Horowhenua.

Val lott is delighted that the Pageant will be held in the home town of the reigning Miss Universe New Zealand and former Miss Horowhenua. It is an entirely appropriate place to hold the event, and I know that the contestants will receive a very warm welcome from the people of Horowhenua, Kapiti and Manawatu”.

The contestants will be in the area for a week, leading up to the Beauty Pageant on Anzac Day evening. “A variety of activities are planned to ensure the girls get out into the local communities and experience the many wonderful activities the Nature Coast region has to offer”, Ms Lott said.

About the Contestants:
Val Lott, Miss Universe New Zealand
09 535 7782 or 0274 767 003

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(http://www.koreapost.co.nz), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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