Tourism receives $30 million boost from Budget

Tourism receives $30 million boost from Budget

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Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism John Key today revealed the tourism industry will receive $30 million in new funding for 2010/11 in next week’s Budget.

The announcement was made in a speech to the New Zealand Hotel Industry Conference at Sky City Hotel in Auckland.

“As I’ve said previously, the Budget will focus squarely on building faster and sustainable economic growth – it’s the only way we can create the jobs, higher incomes and the better living standards New Zealanders deserve,” Mr Key says.

“Tourism will play an important role in helping us get the economy growing faster.”

Most of the new tourism funding announced today ($25 million) will be used to increase the marketing of New Zealand as a tourism destination internationally. The other $5 million will be allocated to joint venture initiatives.

“This investment is vitally important. It reflects my confidence in the industry to substantially increase the value of tourism to the New Zealand economy,” Mr Key says.

“We will do this by focusing on high-value visitors who require a high-quality experience while in New Zealand.

“I have always believed tourism has the potential to grow far beyond the status quo and this funding will help give that belief wings.

“We have the raw materials in our beautiful scenery, we have the commitment of an industry that is continually striving for excellence, and now we have the funding to sell that message even more strongly all over the world.

”Tourism already makes a significant contribution to New Zealand’s economy and I am confident the extra funding I’m confirming today will ensure that continues.”

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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