Budget misses chance to help Kiwi-Asian families

Budget misses chance to help Kiwi-Asian families

0 개 1,383 NZ코리아포스트
At a time of record-high Asian unemployment, most Asian families will be worse off under National’s tax swindle budget by the time inflation, GST and increased costs in childcare are passed on, Associate Ethnic Affairs Spokesperson Raymond Huo says.

“Shambolic policies and proposed talk-fests are not easing the burden on Asian families suffering through the recession – and this Budget offers no hope for the 22,400 Asian people without jobs,” said Raymond Huo.

“Asian community members called for a government of substance, not one of shambolic policies and benefits for the privileged few.

“On Sunday I had the pleasure of attending a post-Budget meeting where Phil Goff spoke to the Asian Community. From the floor, you could tell that the audience accepted Phil Goff as a man of substance.

“As Trade Minister in 2008 he signed the FTA with China which led to China becoming our second largest trading partner with exports now reaching billions of dollars.

“In 1989, when Phil Goff was Minister of Education, he introduced legislation which opened the door to international fee-paying students. Now an entirely new sector called export education worth $2.5 Billion exists in New Zealand.

“One small business owner told me that this is the type of Prime Minister New Zealand needs, one who knows how to grow the economy while looking after all wage-earners equally,” Raymond Huo said.

“National’s track record when in government shows a pattern that they resort to selling state assets to entertain their ideology. Labour has shown how to grow the economy while looking after all Kiwis.

“I hope National soon wakes up to the need to be fair to all families and wage-earners or else all but the wealthiest New Zealanders will struggle,” said Raymond Huo.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(http://www.koreapost.co.nz), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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