2010년 예산 - .4 billion for schools, early childhood

2010년 예산 - .4 billion for schools, early childhood

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Budget 2010 delivers a substantial boost to education in a difficult economic environment, Education Minister Anne Tolley says.

The Budget allocates an extra $1.4 billion to education over four years, as we continue to focus on frontline services to help lift student achievement and give our children the best possible start in life.”
Total Vote Education spending will rise to $12 billion in 2010/11 and funding will be directed into those priority areas making the biggest difference to students.

“This Government wants every single young New Zealander to reach their potential and be given the opportunity to succeed, which is why education is a priority.”

Education highlights of Budget 2010 include:
•A 4 per cent increase in operational funding for schools, well above the rate of inflation. This will mean $155.9 million in new funding over four years.
•$349.3 million in new operating and capital funding for school property over four years. This includes funding to build new schools and buildings, and to improve existing school buildings. In 2010/11, $82 million will go towards remedial work on leaky school buildings.
•An extra $107 million on early childhood education in 2010/11 and a focus on ensuring families in most need get access to these services.
•$48.1 million for the Youth Guarantee over four years, to raise the number of places available from 2000 to 2500 next year and in ongoing years.
•$15 million over two years to allow more parents and teachers to take part in the highly successful Incredible Years programme as part of the Positive Behaviour for Learning Action Plan.
•$48.3 million will be invested in continuing to build ultra-fast broadband support for schools through the School Network Upgrade Project and to extend the National Education Network trial.
"We have carefully considered every single dollar spent in education and examined how we can do better with existing resources,” Mrs Tolley says.

“As part of this, we have taken a long hard look at Early Childhood Education, which has seen funding almost treble over the past five years, but which is still not reaching enough of our target groups that are most likely to benefit from ECE.

“Some savings from this sector will ease these escalating costs and will allow us to redirect spending to increase participation for target groups.

“The Government will spend $1.3 billion on Early Childhood Education in 2010/11 – up $107 million on the previous year – and we will continue to fund the 20 hours ECE policy.

“New Zealand must have a high-performing education system at all levels to give our young people the skills and qualifications they need to succeed.

“Budget 2010’s significantly increased investment in education will support this goal as we raise the bar for student achievement in our country.”

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(http://www.koreapost.co.nz), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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