0 개 1,697 NZ코리아포스트
Police are investigating an incident on the North Shore in which an elderly man has died after a car crashed into the bedroom of his house.

Police say that 1.05pm this afternoon Thursday 1 July 2010 a Toyota Camry has been traveling south on East Coast Road in the suburb of Northcross. An elderly male driver was the sole occupant in the vehicle.

The vehicle has suddenly left the road and gone over a steep incline prior to crashing through the wooden structure of the house. The impact has destroyed a bedroom located in the left hand front corner of the house.

The deceased man was in the bedroom at the time of the incident .The noise of the impact was heard by the deceased man’s wife who was in another sector of the house. She rushed to the bedroom and discovered the body of her husband lying on the floor close by the bathroom ensuite.

The whole vehicle was inside the bedroom. The rear of the Camry was level with the exterior of the house. An off duty police officer who was passing by the scene at the time went to assist the deceased victim. He applied CPR but was unable to revive him.

The male driver is being treated at hospital. His injuries are not considered to be life threatening. A post mortem examination will be held tomorrow to determine the cause of death of the 88 year old male deceased.

The Serious Crash Unit is investigating the circumstances and cause of this tragic event. The family of the deceased is in deep shock. Victim Support services have been assisting at the scene.

Police will continue their investigations late into the day and are speaking with a number of witnesses who were present at the time of the incident. The name of the deceased will not be released for 24 hours.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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