A secure future for ethnic communities

A secure future for ethnic communities

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Labour has announced a plan which will ensure a secure, prosperous and long-term future for ethnic communities through a stronger, more resilient economy, says Labour’s associate spokesperson for Ethnic Affairs Ashraf Choudhary.

“As a country we are deep in debt, and our economy is struggling. The Government wants to sell our valuable assets to overseas investors, which could increase prices and leave the ethnic communities worse off in the long-term.

“Labour will keep our valuable assets for the benefit of our future generations. Recently Labour announced its plan for a fairer tax system, in a bold set of policies designed to give the vast majority of New Zealander’s a tax cut, drive economic growth and pay off debt.

“Labour leader Phil Goff said cost increases were occurring in areas that hurt Kiwis most --- like food (7 per cent), electricity (7.8) and petrol (20). He said if power prices can go up so much in one year, think what will happen when National flogs off our state-owned power companies’ overseas and foreign investors demand increased profits.

“Labour has an economic plan that will create a New Zealand where everyone pays their fair share. I encourage ethnic communities to visit http://www.ownourfuture.co.nz/ for information on Labour’s full tax package.

“Under Labour’s economic management Kiwis can pay off debt, keep our valuable assets and grow the economy while giving hardworking communities a break,” Ashraf Choudhary said.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(http://www.koreapost.co.nz), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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