Record low April road toll

Record low April road toll

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Associate Transport Minister Simon Bridges says a record low April road toll is an encouraging result, but there is still a need for progress on improving road safety.
Provisional figures show that April 2012 had a road toll of 12 road deaths, the lowest for any calendar month for any year since 1965, when monthly records started.  The previous lowest monthly figure was 16 road deaths for February 2012.
“This is an encouraging result, but still too many people are being killed and injured on our roads, and it will be little comfort to their families and loved ones.
“Road safety is one of the government’s transport priorities and we will work hard to progress actions from our Safer Journeys strategy for reducing the rate of death and injury on New Zealand’s roads,” Mr Bridges says.
The record low April toll comes after New Zealand recorded its lowest annual road toll in 50 years in 2011 and this year’s first ever fatality-free Easter holiday period.  Factors that could have led to these reductions include legislation, safety improvements, road policing and economic factors such as fuel prices.  Analysis is being carried out to find whether contributing factors to the 2011 toll can be better identified.
“The government will continue our Safe System approach to road safety, progressing actions from our Safer Journeys Action Plan aimed at safer roads, safer speeds, safer vehicles and safer road use.
“Already we have strengthened driver licence tests, and work is underway to support the introduction of alcohol interlocks and a zero alcohol licence for repeat drink drivers.
“It’s too early to say what this means for the longer term, but I urge all New Zealanders to do what they can to improve road safety and keep the road toll low.
“There are steps we can all take, like using common sense and caution on the roads, driving to the conditions and making safety a priority when purchasing a vehicle,” Mr Bridges says.

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