NZ education compares well with OECD

NZ education compares well with OECD

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Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment Minister Steven Joyce and Education Minister Hekia Parata today welcomed the OECD’s latest education report, saying the findings show New Zealand continues to deliver a world-class education.

Education at a Glance 2013 compares education in 34 OECD and eight other countries, using data from 2010 and 2011.

According to the report, New Zealand is:
- Investing 7.3 per cent of its GDP in education – the seventh highest in the OECD
- Investing 20 per cent of all public expenditure in education, which is the second highest percentage in the OECD
- In the top third of countries for participation in early childhood education  – 95 per cent of four year olds enrolled in 2011
- In the top seven countries for the percentage of public expenditure allocated to early childhood education
- In the top 10 of the OECD for the highest proportion of tertiary qualified adults, with 39 per cent of 25 to 64 year-olds and 47 per cent of 25 to 34 year-olds in New Zealand having a diploma or higher qualification
- Increasing significantly the number of 15 to 19 year olds enrolled in study –81.5 per cent in 2011, up from 74 per cent in 2008

Ms Parata says the findings support the work being done within New Zealand’s education system and are very encouraging.

“Quality early learning is about creating the best start in life for as many children as possible, as soon as possible, and I am delighted these figures from the OECD reflect this.”

“According to the report, the number of students aged 15 to 19 staying on in education has grown from 74 per cent in 2008 to 81 per cent in 2011. It’s encouraging to see that initiatives such as the Youth Guarantee and Trades Academies are seeing more and more teenagers choosing to stay in education,” Mr Joyce says.

“Equipping our students with a high level of knowledge, skills and qualifications means they will be best placed to contribute to our society through better jobs and higher wages.”

Ms Parata says, “While the OECD report’s results are encouraging, there is plenty of work to do. It’s important that we continue to improve and ensure that all New Zealand children and young people are receiving the best education possible.”

The OECD report, Education at a Glance 2013  is available at:

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