Auckland Tall Ships Festival 28 일까지

Auckland Tall Ships Festival 28 일까지

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26, 27일 양일간 오후 4시까지 오클랜드 시티의 Auckland Tall Ships Festival에 참석한 배를 일반인이 구경할 수 있습니다. 지난 금요일 호주에서 출발한 배가 오클랜드의 부두에 정착해 있으며 일반인에게 볼거리를 제공하고 있습니다. 이 배들은 28일 정오에 출항합니다. Voyager NZ Maritime Museum 인근으로 가면 되고 영문 안내문은 아래와 같으니 노동절 연휴기간 중 가족과 가까운 구경거리를 찾으시는 분들에게 좋은 정보 되기를 기대합니다.

This Labour Weekend, Voyager NZ Maritime Museum will host Auckland’s long awaited Tall Ships Festival. 

Eight ships and more than 800 sailors will take part in the first ever Trans Tasman Tall Ships race from Sydney to Opua, culminating in their arrival in Auckland on Friday 25 October. 

It will be a magnificent spectacle as these extraordinary vessels, led by the Spirit of New Zealand, round North Head at approximately 2pm and are guided to their berths at Queens, Princes and Hobson wharves at around 3pm.

Auckland will enjoy a weekend like no other with thousands expected to join in the festivities. On Saturday at 10am, a crew parade will leave Wynyard Quarter to The Cloud led by the Royal NZ Navy Band.

The ships will be open to the public on both Saturday and Sunday, climb aboard these magnificent vessels, meet the crew, follow the trail around the waterfront and stop in at The Cloud to take part in the array of family activities.


Friday 25 October, 2pm-3pm 
The fleet arrives into Waitemata Harbour at 2pm, berthing at Queens, Princes and Hobson wharves at approximately 3pm.

Saturday 26 October, 10am
There will be a crew parade along the waterfront from Wynyard Quarter to Queens Wharf, where there will be an official powhiri welcome.

Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 October, 10am-4pm 
The fleet is open and available for public to view, The Cloud is open for a public expo and activities, and a trail along Auckland's waterfront is open.

Monday 28 October, noon 
The fleet departs at noon from Queens, Princes and Hobson wharves, with a full naval salute from Orakei Wharf.


Queens, Princes and Hobson wharves, including The Cloud and Voyager NZ Maritime Museum

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