Ministers praise $120m methamphetamine busts

Ministers praise $120m methamphetamine busts

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Police Minister Michael Woodhouse and Customs Minister Nicky Wagner today congratulated agencies for the latest successful drug-related operation targeting the production and supply of methamphetamine in Auckland.

Operation Wand and Operation Sorrento recovered 123 kilograms of methamphetamine with an estimated street value of over $120 million in the Auckland region in late March. Nine individuals have been arrested and charged.

"These operations were successfully executed due to the great work of Police districts and the Organised and Financial Crime Agency New Zealand (OFCANZ), and I commend their efforts," Mr Woodhouse says.

"The Government is committed to reducing the harm caused by gangs and transnational crime groups, through our whole-of-government action plan to clamp down on gang activity.

"Criminals need to know that drug activities will not be tolerated in our communities, and any profits or assets from these atrocious activities will be seized. The results of these operations go a long way in sending that message,” Mr Woodhouse says.

“Our multi-agency approach involving intelligence-gathering, enhanced law enforcement, prevention and intervention will make a real difference in cracking down on the manufacturing and supplying of illicit drugs.”

Customs Minister Nicky Wagner says the operation is a brilliant showcase of how law enforcement agencies are working together.

“While the size of the seizures and the way these syndicates were operating shows that methamphetamine remains in high demand, Customs and Police will do everything it takes to combat the issue.

“This significant result was only possible through the dedication and commitment of our law-enforcers who worked tirelessly until the perpetrators were put behind bars. I commend everyone for a job well done,” Ms Wagner says.


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